Mr Angkarn’s typist peeks out from behind the sooty tartan curtain to check to make sure that no Babbaginians have been prematurely raptored. Also, has anyone seen Doctor Dinosaur lately, cuz if anyone is gonna be doing any raptoring, it would probably be him
just checking in
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No rapture, no raptors, no dead rising from their graves.
But if the zombie apocalypse happens, wake me up, I have a new revolver I wish to try.
Raptor is a verb now?! why was I not informed!!!!
Yes Doctor. When ever someones invention blows up in their face and burns down the building people say “Boy, you really raptored that.” *Big grin*
Alas, the only fun had out of Rapt(ur)or(e) day was an excuse to play End Of The World music at my place of bidniss.