“Every Planet Has a North” Fells Gagh
Featuring North Fells
1 chum bucket full of North Fells Worms (Alive to start)
1 Bottle of Red Wine from Mr. Mornington’s stores
Coffee Grounds and Cocoa Powder pillaged from Cocoa Java
A Dirty Handful of Cinderberries
Water from the sewers
Step 1: Begin with the worms in a standard size chum bucket. As quickly as you can, pour an entire bottle of Mr. Mornington’s cheapest red wine on top of them. It should take roughly two minutes for the little buggars to become sluggish. (As we all know, North Fell worms are notorious alcoholics).
Step 2: Use the empty bottle of wine to measure out one bottle’s worth of good ole’ Babbage sewer water. In a cast iron skillet, bring the water to a boil.
Step 3: Stir in the coffee grounds and cocoa powder (a fistful each) and lower the temperature to a simmer.
Step 4: Add the dried cinderberries. Just as you see them begin to plump (this may take a while, boy those things are dry….) take them off the heat.
Step 5: Pour the heated mixture over the worms (who will be absolutely smashed at this point) and serve immediately.
Enjoy your warrior’s brew! Kappla!
*thinks she may need a Morlock taster for this recipe too*
Are you running out of Morlock tasters again? oO
Some recipes sound so…umm…delicious that they can’t be wasted on underdeveloped human palates.
Yes. That’s it.
This one has my vote, just cause it has a Doctor Who reference! rofl! :D
Yay! I combined my two favorite geekdoms for this delicious recipie (Doctor Who and Star Trek)