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If Mr. Tenk Was a Mascot…

In my day to day work I ran across [url=]this mascot[/url], his name is Joe Miner. Check out the giant slide rule!

I couldn’t help but think if the Clockwinder was a mascot he would look rather similar…just swap the pick to a wrench and the stetson to a stocking cap. Oh, and add a friendly scowl.

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  1. Grace Toussaint Grace Toussaint September 27, 2010

    I’m sensing a re-design of the Tenkerbelles uniform is on the horizon!  (Hahaha or maybe just a first design….  I’d buy it!  *grins*)

  2. Zaida Gearbox Zaida Gearbox September 28, 2010

    Tenkerbells?  *looks doubtful*  Mr. Tenk gonna get you…..

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