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Happy Birthday wishes

Happy Birthday to two of the best “Bad Guys” ever: Christopher Lee & Vincent Price.

Christopher turns 89 and Vincent would have been 100.

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  1. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver May 27, 2011

    ponders  do we really celebrate Villians Dates  of Birth ??

      • Breezy Carver Breezy Carver May 27, 2011

        Oh .. I do apologize Mr. Underby …

        ((smiles and takes note to the *sensitivity* of  Villains too ))

  2. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse May 27, 2011

    Talk about a coincidence that these two gents have (had) the same birthday. I wonder if they ever sent each other birthday cards.

    Happy Birthday Sir Christopher and a toast to the memory of Mr. Price.

  3. Grendel Footman Grendel Footman May 28, 2011

    apparantly, when filming LOTR, Christopher Lee informed them they had what a man sounded like when stabbed entirely wrong, they didn’t scream that way


  4. Kristos Sonnerstein Kristos Sonnerstein May 28, 2011

    I say we should have a party.

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