(((Twirlssssss in quietly .. clears .. head and begins to type .. )))
Greetings !!!
Yes Yes Exciting Exciting Exciting News Ladies and Gentlemen, Furies, demons and umm Kids !!
Relay for Second Life Shall be Kicking off March 12Th
The 2011 Theme is Seasons For Hope !
It is time for all of New Babbage’s wonderful characters and citizens to think and
Get The 2011 team moving and registered .. with Team Captain and co captains
Will all interested persons Please send a note card to Mr. AE Cleanslate ..
Include why you would like to Lead New Babbage Relay For Life Second Life Team !!!
(or else … someone might just tap on you …. smiles )
There will be a Fund-raising Captain/ Co and New Babbage Build Co Captain
(( for an Epic Build *grins*))
Please note for the record :
Breezy is simply a cheerleader here folks :)
and tiny voice pr and marketing Chair for RFLSL *wink*
I shall be having A Carnival Ball and Dark Ride Build Contest to Kick off Our New Babbage RFL 2011Season……………..March 26th…
quietly twirlsss out ..
Go send those notecards or they will be looking for volunteers again!
There is no escape from RFL!
You’re safe this year, Miss F!
I doubt I could keep up with being any kind of co captain, but I’d be more than happy to help with building if there’s anything I can contribute.
I see the list of teams signed up for this year is growing larger. How are things going with setting up our team this year?
I’m putting the paperwork in today. Who is my captain?
Good show!
Best of luck to the new team captain and to the new build captain!
I’ll be cheering you on as we approach the big weekend!
Yay! for Team New-Babbage! Yay!