I have successfully persuaded my family to allow me to attend SLCC in Boston this Saturday (RL birthdays have their uses). I will be carrying a stack of Babbage handout cards and wearing my “Someone I love visited New Babbage and all I got was this hacking cough” T-shirt.
Philip Rosedale will be keynoting at 8AM. Anybody have any suggestions for things I should shout out when he starts talking?
I’d really like to see that shirt actually, in SL and RL.
Be sure to find the Prim Perfect special magazine we created and EXCLAIM LOUDLY over it. ;) In earshot of a Linden or three. There may be hard copies of it about. ( http://en.calameo.com/read/0000042348e73f89442cd )
Have fun! Adn bring us back any pertinent news.