I love the poster. I plan to be there at least half an hour before race time to set out some Go Devils for people to practice on. Some of those turns are tricky.
Emerson Lighthouse
January 16, 2013
The risk of careening into a canal wall always adds to the fun!
Garnet Psaltery
January 16, 2013
I regret I shall be late attending as my little dance is taking place until 2pm but I should enjoy witnessing this very much.
Updated:- I have cancelled the dance so that I and others can attend the races.
Mr Tenk
January 16, 2013
you have no idea how bad I want to put soft spots in the ice.
Arconus Arkright
January 16, 2013
Dooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiit…
Kimika Ying
January 19, 2013
A little history….
The Go Devil was a real thing, 101 years ago on the ice of Irondequoit Bay, near Rochester in New York state.
The Go-Devil with Mr. Seeley at the helm.
from The Rochester Herald; Wednesday, January 31, 1912
On the ice of Irondequoit Bay there was tried out last week what is
probably the fastest vehicle in the world today. The motor-driven ice
boat Elbridge Go-Devil
was timed on trial trips at speeds approximating 140 miles an hour,
and the driver claimed he dare not use full power, or get anything like
all possible speed out of the craft. Two hundred miles an hour is what
the Go-Devil is designed for, and those who have watched her initial
performance believe she will make that speed when the driver has
accustomed himself to her antics.
Lyman Seeley, who is now in possession of the strange craft, said he
thought riding it might equal the sensation of being tied to tail of a
comet. There was no chance to look either right of left, but only
straight ahead, no chance to think except to of holding tight to the
wheel; not even to wonder what they might strike next. For in the
rushing, swaying car, gathering speed with every passing second, without
springs or cushions, ordinary rough spots were magnified a hundred
times. When the runners hit smooth, glaring ice Go-Devil would skew to
right or left, perhaps only for a few yards, but it seemed like an
eternity, before she was straight on the course again.
When I made the Babbage version I only had the one side view photo for reference and I see now that some of my assumptions were wrong. I wasn’t too concerned with historical accuracy but when I’m more skilled at creating with mesh I may see how close I can come to the original and still have a working vehicle. One of the things I love about this is that the people who made this wonderfully crazy thing back in 1912 couldn’t have imagined what ripples it would make into the future. I sometimes wonder who will someday rediscover us and our doings while exploring the little corners of history.
*goes off to a warm fire and some hot chocolate….*
Emerson Lighthouse
January 19, 2013
That is *so* incredible! I love the photos.
Avariel Falcon
January 19, 2013
Must make a unicorn version ^_^
Emerson Lighthouse
January 20, 2013
I could find some rope and tow you for a pretting thrilling ice-skiing ride.
Pilipo Underwood
January 21, 2013
Where is the route published?
Emerson Lighthouse
January 21, 2013
Look for the route to be posted Wednesday night.
Tepic Harlequin
January 21, 2013
Miss Kimi, do they come in urchin sizes? Somethimes these huge vehicles kind of dwarf us! If not, and some of us built one/some, would it be possible for you to put your scripts in them if passed to you? (have to keep a level playing field! hehehe)
Kimika Ying
January 22, 2013
Tepic, in this case it looks like its suited for urchins. I asked Cyan to have a set in it and he fit just fine – didn’t disappear behind the steering wheel or anything like that. Also, he was holding his Dapper Zapper and looked like he was ready to go jousting! That’s a possible sport I hadn’t thought of.
Yay! for Almost safe fun! Yay!
I love the poster. I plan to be there at least half an hour before race time to set out some Go Devils for people to practice on. Some of those turns are tricky.
The risk of careening into a canal wall always adds to the fun!
I regret I shall be late attending as my little dance is taking place until 2pm but I should enjoy witnessing this very much.
Updated:- I have cancelled the dance so that I and others can attend the races.
you have no idea how bad I want to put soft spots in the ice.
Dooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiit…
A little history….
The Go Devil was a real thing, 101 years ago on the ice of Irondequoit Bay, near Rochester in New York state.
The Go-Devil with Mr. Seeley at the helm.
from The Rochester Herald; Wednesday, January 31, 1912
On the ice of Irondequoit Bay there was tried out last week what is
probably the fastest vehicle in the world today. The motor-driven ice
boat Elbridge Go-Devil
was timed on trial trips at speeds approximating 140 miles an hour,
and the driver claimed he dare not use full power, or get anything like
all possible speed out of the craft. Two hundred miles an hour is what
the Go-Devil is designed for, and those who have watched her initial
performance believe she will make that speed when the driver has
accustomed himself to her antics.
Lyman Seeley, who is now in possession of the strange craft, said he
thought riding it might equal the sensation of being tied to tail of a
comet. There was no chance to look either right of left, but only
straight ahead, no chance to think except to of holding tight to the
wheel; not even to wonder what they might strike next. For in the
rushing, swaying car, gathering speed with every passing second, without
springs or cushions, ordinary rough spots were magnified a hundred
times. When the runners hit smooth, glaring ice Go-Devil would skew to
right or left, perhaps only for a few yards, but it seemed like an
eternity, before she was straight on the course again.
When I made the Babbage version I only had the one side view photo for reference and I see now that some of my assumptions were wrong. I wasn’t too concerned with historical accuracy but when I’m more skilled at creating with mesh I may see how close I can come to the original and still have a working vehicle. One of the things I love about this is that the people who made this wonderfully crazy thing back in 1912 couldn’t have imagined what ripples it would make into the future. I sometimes wonder who will someday rediscover us and our doings while exploring the little corners of history.
Some additional types of early 20th century ice boats: http://www.oldmarineengine.com/discus/messages/2/119084.html
*goes off to a warm fire and some hot chocolate….*
That is *so* incredible! I love the photos.
Must make a unicorn version ^_^
I could find some rope and tow you for a pretting thrilling ice-skiing ride.
Where is the route published?
Look for the route to be posted Wednesday night.
Miss Kimi, do they come in urchin sizes? Somethimes these huge vehicles kind of dwarf us! If not, and some of us built one/some, would it be possible for you to put your scripts in them if passed to you? (have to keep a level playing field! hehehe)
Tepic, in this case it looks like its suited for urchins. I asked Cyan to have a set in it and he fit just fine – didn’t disappear behind the steering wheel or anything like that. Also, he was holding his Dapper Zapper and looked like he was ready to go jousting! That’s a possible sport I hadn’t thought of.
wonderful! Look forward to the racing! :-)