Genuine Technobabble from the Future By The Archivist on March 28, 2013 I occasionally have this experience: (source) Spread the love Published in Recovered Blog Post The Archivist Maintenance account for the Babbage Aethernet Reader (BAR) and archival records. More from Recovered Blog PostMore posts in Recovered Blog Post »Steampunk Storytime @7pmThe Conservatory Ballroom Presents a Formal Dance Monthly, 4th SaturdaysMusic and Role-play at the Tell-Tale Heart Pub: Monthly 2nd TuesdaysSpring Formal Dance at The Conservatory Ballroom 5pm SLTSteampunk Storytime @7pm
Glaubrius Valeska April 2, 2013 /me waves hand and mutters something about “… is indistinguishable from madjyk.”
Kimika Ying April 12, 2013 Today in the 21st century: “OpenStack To Crack Down On Incompatible Clouds“. (Abraham Simpson rumored to have been hired)
“Kill the server connection.”
/me waves hand and mutters something about “… is indistinguishable from madjyk.”
Today in the 21st century: “OpenStack To Crack Down On Incompatible Clouds“.
(Abraham Simpson rumored to have been hired)