Home Forums Town Crier (OOC) Summer Oiling Festival planning thread

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    • #10153
      Mr Tenk

        Due to horrific windstorms this week that took down a relay tower, I won’t be able to hold a town hall before June.

        So… What should we build for this year’s festival? Let’s make it a long leisurely June through August sort of thing, with HBM type builds only for the last 2 weeks.

      • #10154
        Tepic Harlequin

          Barrows and stall, with contents? After all, what are we selling to each other, and street vendors need to carry their wares somehow. Possibly baskets for flowers and trays for cigarettes, things people can carry? Oh! Shoeshine stands or boxes, something ladies and gents can sit at while us urchins make a bob or two cleaning their shoes! errrrr…. on the subject of baskets, maybe some to carry horse … product… off the streets and into peoples rose gardens? Naturally, none of your bright, clean market stuff, something suitable for our gritty, industrial city.

          Just a few thoughts :-)

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