Blimey, looked out me window this mornin and saw this hovering over the town. Armed with gatling guns and cannon and deathrays too. Puts the aether corp to shame it does!
Flying Steamship
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Now THAT’s an airship!
That is completely amazing. When Kezzy sees this she’s going to go nuts.
Okay, why caynt I get to this thing? I know where it is, but caynt see it, or even cross into the quadrant. Curse us and crush us, Precious!
Oh it aint there now. Seemed they just stopped to check their bearings or somthin. Out on air trials with their new ship.
Ooooooooh, lovely.
Scribbles down a wire to her banker.
Grabs goggles and heads out.
Interesting…. *goes to hire some minions and aquire some arms for a ‘hostile takeover’*
Yeah.. much MUCH better than the Shielf Of Babbage… Boohhooo!!!