Why does the Featured Location text (automatically pulled form inworld location objects) sometimes appear on this site’s home page as doubled (two copies of the same text, one pasted right after the the first copy) and sometimes not? When I see my entry for the Kahruvel Steamworks, mine is also doubled and I can’t figure out how to fix it.
Featured Location Text On The Home Page
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I’m not positive but think it has to do with the amount of words or characters.
I have posted it in the issues since I spotted it a couple of months back, but not sure where to work on that issue as it’s either an inworld script or a drupal programing problem.
Thank you for mentioning the forum section dealing with issues. I had not noticed the Bugs & Features request area at the bottom of the home page before. I’ll be sure to post there from now on.
No problem. We also do have a Wish List for 2012 (which I am pretty sure this is on it as well) here:
I haven’t seen this happen yet. Could it be that the information for the location is on the notecard twice?
That has not been my experience so far. Initially I did have a more lengthy location description that, though only appeared once in the notecard, appeared doubled on the home page. I recently changed the notecard to a much shorter length as an experiment. The description did not appear doubled on the home page. Cyan Rayna may be on to something in that the number of character/words or length of the description may be causing the doubling.
i think the marker kit needs a simpler instruction notecard with fewer words on it so people will read it. this issue is too widespread.
Even the Maceholder is not immune!
[img_assist|nid=4591|title=Double Speak|desc=Doubled Featured Location Text Example|link=popup|align=left|width=347|height=640]
I had a similar issue at first. I think I solved it by shorting my description. If I remember correctly the system does not like spaces ,multiple paragraphs, either.
I think it is fantastic that we can makes changes to inworld objects that affects this web site, including the Featured Location, Directory and the verified avatar accounts. Well done all those involved!
Aha! Fixed it! Thank you Mr Jack for the documentation – it was a PHP glitch.
Almost fixed it. Now it’s stopping after a certain amount of words and just going “…”.
There’s a new error for Featured Location now
warning: Missing argument 4 for truncate(), called in /hermes/web11/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/featured_attraction.php on line 65 and defined in /hermes/web11/b1270/pow.newbabbage/htdocs/featured_attraction.php on line 12.