Date(s) - Mar 22, 2020
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Alternating Sundays starting at 4 pm SLT ending at 6 pm SLT… or later.
Gather around. Come one, come all.
To The Salty Dog, we’ll have a ball.
Bring your girl, or bring a frog.
Not judging here at The Salty Dog.
Come on in. Kick off your shoes.
Have a drink, maybe spread some news.
Come as you are, move those gears
lock your doors and get your rears…
…Get your rears to The Salty Dog.
Conversation, games, ruckus, music and booze…what could possibly go wrong? *Nell throws mug at typist*
On the NW corner of The Back Row on the NE Corner of Babbage Square
*IC appreciated, not strictly enforced.
**Suggestions are being taken for day/time change or additions, or anything else helpful. Comment, find me inworld, or on Discord.
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