((Since I’ve been way too behind on blogging findings and events and stuff that have occured, Kris went and recorded his disjointed thoughts in a manner that makes sense to his maddened mind. Hopefully I’m not the only other one who can make sense of it. It records briefly short notes on recent events and findings))
Disjointed Mind (Dark Aether)
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((Look, I see me!! )
There’s a unicorn in the window! Or is the madness getting to me too…
Whoa, they awl look loike ants …
I was supposed to be helping him transcribe this…. Oh, where has the time gone….
*munches on some sunflower seeds while she looks at it from various angles*
Can I get this framed?
((You both are too kind. ::giggles:: But if you wish, do feel free to save it for whatever you like. I wish I could claim it were hand drawn, but it’s pre-made photoshop brushes. The only thing original is the arrangement))
The arrangement is what counts.
Personally, I’m all in on anything that has coffee rings as part of the composition.
Haha, wine glass, actually.
I second the framing notion!