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Comfort Station

I was walking along Academy Downs today and saw that Mr. Pearse had placed a comfort station on the roadside at Victory Hall.  A Victorian Loo.

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  1. Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery September 3, 2012

    As always, we ladies are left to fend for ourselves.

  2. Amber Ilsker Amber Ilsker September 3, 2012

    Are you sure it’s not one of those tardis things, I keep seeing them around babbage ;P

    • Pilipo Underwood Pilipo Underwood September 3, 2012

      Well, you know, it does make strange noises.

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse September 3, 2012

    Gentlemen may use the stalls if they have a need to. The far left is more suitable for urchins and Clockwinders.

    Ladies may be rather weirded out if they attempt it :-)

  4. Amber Ilsker Amber Ilsker September 3, 2012

    The levitating lampost to the left is spooky ! ;P

    • Mr Salazar Jack Mr Salazar Jack September 3, 2012

      It’s a Lighter, Then Air lampost.

  5. Byron Wexhome Byron Wexhome September 4, 2012

    Well done!  Where ever did you find a reference for that Mr. Pearse?  The construction and textures are exquisite.

    • Edward Pearse Edward Pearse September 4, 2012

      I’d been thinking of building one after being impressed with the larger version in the Berlin 1920s sim. So I’d collected various images from around the net and left them in a folder of To-Do things. Then more recently I discovered a new texture set at Baroquen Ethics which had come from one of these:

      The “Temple of Relief”.

      Not sure if it was the same source building but it was a close enough match that I had to build one :-)

      • Mr Tenk Mr Tenk September 4, 2012

        that is exactly where i took the picture that became that texture. jeweler’s district in birmingham england. unfortunately it was locked up so i did not get to use it.

        • Byron Wexhome Byron Wexhome September 4, 2012

          I KNEW that looked familiar! (The pics especially.)  I’d wandered past those when I was in Birmingham some time ago…

  6. Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg September 4, 2012

    Now we know where to find the Emperor.

    (Looks good!)

  7. Maddox Sinclaire Maddox Sinclaire September 5, 2012

    ((* Maddox S Lionheart Likes this*))

  8. Nathan Adored Nathan Adored September 13, 2012

    Hmmmmm….. Just urinals in there, tho.  Somewhere there needs to be one with toilets.  Say, the kind with the long pull chains.

    <—- Has a bit of a bathroom fixation.  :)


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