Later today I will be de-priming the power station ahead of moving it to the Dark Unicorns of Lovelace group.
Expect strangeness!
This will also have an effect on Mr Spiders pawn shop.
IC life at the power station will continue as normal. *nods* *ponders what is normal anyway?*
The trasfer is complete and things are more or less back to the way they sould be. I feel a rebuild coming on though… ^_^
Time to grow a van dyke and start speaking with a Scottish brogue.
i love the smell of spring… BUILDING!
((Beginning to wonder if it’s time for a slightly calamitous accident at the Biologics Institute.))
((It’s always time for a slightly calamitous accident. *grin*))
I will spend some time this weekend replacing those horrible sculpty staircases with nice meshly ones. Starting with the urchin tower by Spirit’s house.