This morning I would have been happy if half a dozen people had come to the show. Tonight I am praying to the builder that the stage/audience sims dont crash. Apologies to the Babbagers who received rogue IM’s from our script scanners (now disabled).
Its all good though, I suppose, in the bigger picture so here is the plan for the Saturday show at 6pm:
Even with enforced script maximums set we crashed the wheatstone Sim about 6 times today. Many visitors ignored multiple warnings to get below 100 scripts. We have now disabled non-group scripts and limited avvies on Wheatstone to 40 (thanks Tesla) and we may have to do the same on the audience/stage sims for the stage shows. Unfortunately there is no way to give priority to Babbagers, BUT there are 3 sims to get into and the show is likely to last 2-3 hours, so if you don’t get in at first please keep trying. The Show tonight is at 6pm but there is a repeat tomorrow at 2pm for European folk.
The stage show audience sim locations are:
Babbage Square is likely to be the least laggy, as all scripts are disabled there. Followed by New Babbage. Wheatstone is also the midway sim so likely to be the most laggy.
Please stay off the Babbage Canals sim to prevent lag for the stage performers.
A repeat of the stage show will be held tomorrow (Sunday) at 2pm SL time.
The Midway (sideshows & rides area) is open all day from 6am – 8pm Saturday and Sunday (Max 40 avatars at a time).
We are doing everything we can to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the midway/show. Please help us by co-operating and REMOVE THOSE SCRIPTS! Thank You :)
Let the Lunacy commence, or rather waddle…slowly…through treacle! :P
Can we extend the build for a week so people can get in there and pose the pictures they might want to take?
Yes by all means Mr Tenk Sir,…for Babbagers the midway will remain in place for an extra week, but ‘opefully we will cycle off the editors picks and it will be a local affair only :)