Greetings all and thanks for testing the new community site. Please log any bugs or problems as comments to this thread. Cheers!
Bugs and Feature Requests
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Greetings all and thanks for testing the new community site. Please log any bugs or problems as comments to this thread. Cheers!
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From Mr Pearse: Since this is on the same server as the Wiki, the user accounts for the Wiki should also work on this.
What version of Wiki is being used?
Cause they have something for MediwWiki here:
One thing I do think we should work on next is updating the profile page.
I agree. It’s messy.
Speaking of profiles (I created a new one), how does one go about friending people?
There should be an “Add to Friends” link on the profile of the member you wish to Friend. Click it to ask their permission.
not seeing it.
How about now?
that got it
Is there a way to see pending friend requests outside of looking at everyone’s page?
(DOH! Saw Book’s response down the thread. Nevermind, LYMI)
citizen section needs a search functioin?
The posts in these discussions look a little awkward. The line is the key, my eyes want it to be above the profile pic/date.
I’d second that.
Better now? (Moved everything below the horizontal line) I want to do something with the reply option now…
I had a comment made about my profile pic being cute but couldn’t locate the actual comment in the site anywhere (only know about it from the email notification) It’s a little difficult to navigate the site still methinks
Also a little bit of bold or enlarged fonting is always a nice idea
Is there a way to be alerted about friend requests? I had no idea Miss Hermit had sent me one until I clicked on her profile.
Never mind–I found it.
FYI for other folks: Click on ‘My Page,’ and on ‘Community.’ You’ll see a line of links: Friends, Sent, Received… ‘Sent’ will be the friends requests you’ve sent, ‘Received’ those you’ve gotten from others.
html strike-out tag is not supported.
Interesting. The rich-text version does the line-through with an inline CSS style (text-decoration: line-through;). So my stylesheet must be overriding it.
[EDIT] Nope. That’s not it. We’re filtering the HTML on the way *out*. This is stripping out the inline style TinyMCE is inserting. If I turn that off, we don’t have much protection against malicious posts. I think the <strike> tag will work, if you type it after Disable rich-text is
turned off.[EDIT] I turned it off in TinyMCE until we can sort it.
Got a request for the gallery…
When viewing an image its not really clear how to view the original uploaded version of the image.
Maybe move the black text that says “original” under the picture to a more prominent place and have it say “Veiw Full Size Image”
I looked at this – the module controls let me hide the links for the automatic thumbnails (thank goodness!) but the Original image option was grayed out – so I can’t include a link to it, easily. However (thinking quickly) I just created a new “thumbnail” that automatically creates an really big thumbnail (max 2048 pixels wide) and will display a link to it.
The only problem with images that large is that it takes a LONG time to upload and then create automated thumbnails of all the various dimensions. I just tried uploading an 887K jpg that was 2155×3000 pixels, and it timed out. Will give that some thought.
i wasn’t able to embed a youTube video. is this not allowed?
also, can we get private messages here? i don’t see an inbox.
Okay – I added the three tags that YouTube requires to the “allow” list, so videos are now okay (you have to Disable rich-text before pasting the YouTube embed code to get it to work). I’m a bit worried that doing so will create a hole for hackers, so if we see abuse we may need to limit its use to trusted folks. But it works for now, so let’s see how well we do.
This is for the White screen in blakOpal’s Blog post:
Although this really seems like the long way around, will continue digging for the answer.
got it working! thanks :)
UPDATE: it looks like people still aren’t able to view my videos in various browsers.
Event times are in Eastern time, then corrected on display for the user’s local time, which makes it very confusing for entering SLT event times.
Changed the default timezone in GCal from EST5EDT (why was that working?) to ‘America/Los_Angeles’. Better, hopefully?
Event times are still not working correctly. I just added the Breakfast in Babbage event and set the time to start at 8am but it’s showing as starting at 7am on the front page.
Still no clue why this is occurring.
just a thought – have you got it programed to automatically convert to pacific? i noticed my entry for 11 am (made i entered from a machine physically located in eastern, SLT +3) was converted to 8am, which is the eastern – pacific conversion.
A new thing I just noticed on the blogs page. After about ten posts there are no more and there’s no way, from the looks of it, to go to a next page to see other blog posts.
There are nav elements in the right-hand margin that let you access Popular, Latest, and Historical blog posts. I added a “Pager” to the view – hopefully that will work.
Hmm. I’m still not seeing any way to get past the first page of listings, on any of those.
Another thing, besides cleaning up the groups look a little bit as well, there doesn’t seem to be a join button or link on the main group page just in the section that lists the groups. I’ll do som reasearch on these when I get a chance at home more than likely.
How do I delete a photo?
I *think* you can do it by clicking the Edit tab above the photo, then selecting the Delete button at the bottom.
wonder if it’s possible for a bulk photo uploaded? and a gallery for old ning photo’s of Babbage maybe, keep them somewhat seperated from newer Babbage photo’s
I seem to be having issues changing my profile pic.
I checked the box saying “delete picture” then saved; the image goes away.
i then try to upload a different image. i uploaded a pic that was 512 x 512 (i know it should be 128 x 128, but im trying to test the page). the page then gave me a message saying that it resized my image to 128 (which is fine) but instead of displaying the image i tried to upload, it displays the image i told it to delete only moments before.
They still haven’t fixed that issue… that’s something I had dealt with when I had my own drupal site up. Let me look into it (it’s been a couple of years) and see what I can find.
Found it, it was as I feared and simply a “clear your cache” issue unfortunately.
I think what may be happening is that Drupal is constructing thumbnails based on the image you upload, which takes a few seconds. Give it a minute and I suspect it will be okay. (It looks good to me…)
i tried giving it time, both after deleting the old pic, and after upload the new pic. it is still putting the old pic back in place of the new one.
I’m having the same problem with uploading a corrected profile picture.
I uploaded a new profile pic without deleting the old one and it took, it also resized.
I don’t see a check box to say i’m attending an event. is that something that can be added?
Here’s a thought; would it be too difficult to have a checkbox next to normally uploaded images that would convert that image to the profile pic if checked?
I have also noticed that, even though i had deleted my profile pic, the system is still showing the thumbnail of my old pic next to my activity and various comments.
and on an unrelated note, when i selected the “last comment” link, it takes me to the first page of the discussion, instead of the ‘last comment’.
Re: selective thumbnails. I think the system is set by default to create all varieties of thumbnail for every image that’s uploaded. For example, you automatically get
Making it selective would be a trick. I think I can blow away the caches for those images manually and the system will try to recreate them.
Re: last comment. Yes, I noticed that too. There are a lot of comments on this thread, and the pagination is different each time someone comments. When it was recorded, the activity link didn’t know on which page your suggested comment might be, and since that changes anyway I imagine it’s tricky to keep straight. One solution is to expand the number of comments that can be shown on a single page. Or maybe there’s a clever way to get the page to jump forward pagination-wise based on the comment coming in.
For anything involving the use of dates can we please change the month to the name of the month rather than the number?
Because to those of us not in the US or Canada, 8/10/10 means the 8th of October, not the 10th of August.
Where are you seeing that, Mr Pearse? On the event screen it asks you to pick the month from a pulldown (but the word, not the number), and then the day – is that what you mean?
The creation process is fine, but when you look at the details of an existing event you see this:
I’m having trouble changing that in the view. I think the whole Event view needs to change (I’d like to assign images, for example, and look into RSVP functionality) so I’ll dig in deeper later.
Oh and I don’t know if you saw the other comment about how the times are being translated between front page and event details. Not sure if it’s related though.
Yes – the timezone confusion on events is ridiculous. The dates are all correct except in the front page view, which displays them 3 hours behind. I would hack the view to add three hours to all timestamps, but the dates aren’t stored in unixtime (or if they are I can’t get them to output that way) so doing that is unwieldy. There’s another simpler way to do it, I’m sure.
BTW – I started making a custom view to display the event in detail, so we could control the date display, but it won’t include the node editing or comment areas. So Frustrating!
Is there a way to show the time zone of the events? (both on the main page, when those bugs are fixed, and on the event pages?) I am firmly entrenched in google calendaring (as you might guess, given my creation of the Aether Chrononauts calendar!), and thus I always want to check what time zone I am currently viewing. (The AC google calendar is set to Pacific Time, but when I look at it or edit it, I always look at it in my local time zone. I don’t know if I should assume others exercise a similar level of control or not.)
I started looking here for something that we may need to add in order to fix events in general:
I’ve changed the sitewide default date display to include the three letter abbreviation for the month instead of the number.
The link to the lastest reply doesn’t seem to work when the replies have gone to a second page.
Fixed. Bumped the max comments-per-page to 150. I should qualify that – it’s fixed as long as comments stay under 150
blog comments won’t delete.
blog comments have to be expanded to be read, and then page back to get to next one.
Blog comments are now threaded.
much more readable, thanks.
still can’t delete comments.
Will look more into that as soon as possible (did it before work and have been rather busy during work unfortunately).
[Edit] I think this might solve the editing problems as it doesn’t give us the options (well unless you’re an admin) to edit comments:
Will try to load it up when I get home.
Looked at this in more detail and it says that it will have a reply button for everyone signed in or not. WIll try and find something else or at least still look into this.
Do you want to be able delete your own comments or other people’s? The latter is a permission thing that only admins can do (Tenk should be an admin). But deleting your own comments is something that ought to be possible, I think.
both, would be nice, people should have control over thier own blogs i think. i’ll settle for at least my own comments.
The broken images in the activity feed occur when a user uploads a PNG image for their profile. Not only was GD not creating thumbnails for PNGs (that’s fixed), but the Activity template hard-codes an image reference at the moment an action is performed and can’t know whether you’ve got a PNG or a JPG. There’s no token (that I can find) to use instead. I put a note in the profile section to stay away from PNGs for now.
Not quite a bug, but a request for enhancement, since it’s a new site. :-)
And as an indifferent user, it would be nice to have an indication of
what the difference is between the events and the calendar. When do I
use which? Perhaps this could be added to the “Posting Guidelines” page
so that it includes some affirmative instructions in addition to
Event listings
Events held in New Babbage may be listed as an event by using the “Create Content” link in the right sidebar.
Events held outside New Babbage may be promoted within the “The Parlour” using the “Forums” tab at the top of this (and every) page.
The Google calendars you see embedded on the site are maintained by volunteers separately from the events listings. Please contact TK TK TK to have an entry added. (This could say “Ceejay Writer or Bookworm Heinrichs” or have a whole list, or could say “put a message in The Parlour and someone will get back to you.)
I would also add something to the “Create content” page.
Events have a start date and an optional end date as well as a teaser and a body. They can be extended by other modules, too. Only events occuring in New Babbage should be created. For other events, please use “The Parlour” in Forums or the Aether Chrononauts Google calendar.
(I have two indented areas in this post, which do not appear in the preview. I am curious to see if they show up in the published post. Either way, another bug.)
Excellent suggestions sir! Implemented.
It would be nice to have a ‘view all blogs’ link under the blog posts section on the main page.
I second that.
i still don’t see it. (mac firefox)
It’s because it’s way down to the bottom of the page currently.
Trying to figure out why it’s doing it.
looks like you got it. seeing it now in the right place.
When you first load the page it’s in the correct place but if you refresh it then it has a gap.
oooh, now i see it. that is truly wierd.
Indeed it is.
I’m getting the same thing on with Firefox on linux. Chrome and Opera both seem to work normally.
How do I create content for Citizens’ page? Do I create a page on the wiki, and it transfers here? It appears that people are responding to a form.
add the details to your profile page. (I was about to ask the same thing, and it showed up after I added it there)
Front page is down… not sure why either… am looking into it.
I took it down, trying to restore the missing thumbnails in the gallery.
Should have noticed it, sorry.
Both the gallery and the slideshow are offline. I thought it was because I had uninstalled/reinstalled the imageAPI stuff (to correct the PNG thumbnail bug), so the system had to rebuild all the thumbnails. But it’s been a LONG time and still nothing.
When I rebuilt ImageAPI, I had to set up all the thumbnails from scratch again. The images were all still there in the /images/ directory, so I thought if I set them up with the same names the views would all just reference the existing images properly. Now I wonder if in re-using the names of the old thumbnails I broke everything.
So I’m debating flushing the entire image cache and starting over. Any opinions?
I have the in-world portal link ready to hand over to Mr. Tenk. Currently all it does is allow you to type in a registration key that you get from this site and link your SL account with this one, but that doesn’t do anything functionally.
We could allow it to upgrade pending users to authorized users, as an example.
I know the Seraph City forum has an inworld prim that your AV needs to click on in order to confirm membership.
That could also potentially cut down the number of spammers.
The list of recent activity on the home page includes what should be a link to individual comments (such as ), but in fact simply take you to the start of that thread.
This is something we have noticed. Once the comments have gotten past the first page they no longer link to the actual post anymore. Not exactly sure why. Tried looking through Drupals site about this, will digg some more to figure it out.
Fixed. I set the default number of comments on a discussion to 150 (it had been 30). We won’t see much pagination, but we’ll be able to jump directly to the later comments.
Blakopels post is still paginated for some reason.
Fixed that. Now blog posts also have 150 comments before the next page.
I’ve added a Signup module, which will allow users to sign up to events and receive email reminders for them, and others to see who is signed up for an event. It’s the best I’ve seen for a sort of “planning on attending” system so far.
But I can’t figure out how to get it to show up on Events. Can any other admins take a look?
A couple of questions, I tried uploading a picture but it wouldn’t work. I hav eno idea what I did wrong but after saving nothing happens.
Also my profile pic never appears to me on the front page.
Hi Amber. We’ll look into the image upload problem. Your profile pic doesn’t show up because your original is a PNG file. The system only supports JPGs for now – we’re working on that.
Hmm. I just uploaded an image and it came through okay. It might have been a temporary glitch? Be sure you’re using to start.
Can we ((in time be able to )) add photos by way of our own “My Page”
1) that would feed into the main gallery (( like ning did))
2) that will also display on our “My Page” ((also like ning did))
reason photos tell a characters and person’s story ..
*Most Important Thank YOU for all you are doing here building this Site stick by Stick so to speak amazing Job !! Outstanding !!
I know i’ve done this here before?
Not seeing an obvious way to put a remotely hosted image in the blog. Oddly, i see the image as an image with using the img src=””/ in the editing box, but not in the final post. Add image button only prompts for images already uploaded or to upload from harddrive.
I just enabled the other image icon in TinyMCE. It looks like a tree and lets you insert URLs:
I’ve noticed it’s not possible to subscribe or track a post without actually leaving a comment. Could we add something to allow tracking?
I will look for a better one actually. I’m not overly fond of getting millions of e-mails because I can’t stop tracking it either.
We do have a list in profile that shows a tracking list of all the things you’ve posted to, of course this tab is called Track.
I think possibly a better option for Tracking would be this and will try and get that implemented:
Oh found out you can set that in your profile to automatically notify you of stuff rather than post by post. Will still look into subscriptions though see what other things it may add.
Here’s what I’ve noticed: If I approve a new member to the site, sometimes it shows my Avatar icon (and maybe links to me?) Instead of the new member’s icon/default icon. I’ve not noticed if it’s happening with the other mods or not.
I haven’t tried approving anyone myself and not sure who is approving everyone actually. Will look through Drupals site to see if this has happened before.
I’ve been doing many approvals (thanks for your help Star!). I wondered why I was seeing Stargirl’s pic by some new signups. Weird. It seems to go away after a bit.
I wanted to re-request that we add a link on the front page of the site to Aether Chrononauts: [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url]
This is the definitive calendar that crosses all the Steamlands. We really need it for fast reference. I’m still on the never ending campaign to educate folk that it *exists*. Please help!
I’ll see what I can do. It’s always hard to figure out where the information is to edit the front page.
Thank you for adding it, and thank you to Ceejay for requesting it!
Just a link, Ceejay? What about an rss feed in the right column like the Heliograph?
Oh BTW what would you think about including graphical ads like the Heliograph does? Take a look at this– idea I’m working on for the blog section… I was thinking it would be cool to include ads between the blog paragraphs to make it look even more like a newspaper…
avatar gallery vs. citizen’s page. redundant?
hmm, maybe not as much as i thought on first glance.
was noticing some people in the avatar gallery are not showing up
in the citizens page, then i noticed those with empty profiles are the
ones not showing in the citizen page, prolly a good thing.
would it be better to have the avatar gallery not paginated so it can be used as a quick index to find people?
The citizens page includes folks who have filled out the introduction section; avatar gallery has everyone. We could expand the number of folks who are displayed on the avatar gallery page – at some point it will get unwieldy. Maybe an alpha list?
Is there a way to delete comments you’ve made?
Unfortunately not without having the ability to delete everyones. We are looking for Modules that will help with that though.
Figures one of the villains would be wanting the ability to take back his words.
And this seemingly wasted comment is actually an experiment to see if the automatic paragraphs breaks are still working. They are *not* elsewhere. This comment should have three paragraphs.
I’ve enabled Signup for events. Existing events need to be edited to enable Signup, new events should have it enabled automatically. Users can sign up to be listed as intending to attend, and the system will send a reminder email before the event.
The dates in the blog posts are wrong. The date shown in the nice little graphic element on the left is fine. The date and time shown in the text are not. Says AUG 14 in the tab, but this is what it says on the Blogs page at the top of my post (currently the most recent one):
[url=225]Is this thing on?[/url]
August 8, 2010 at 2:11pm
The /blogs/ summary has the wrong day under the title, you’re right. I suspect that’s a hard-coded leftover from the last time I hacked at the template. Should be an easy fix. I’ll look at it in a few hours.
All set. I was using the PHP token for month-number instead of day-number in the view.
Next question, is there a way to get rid of the “So-and-so updated their profile” notifications on the left side pane?
Joining is well and good, but really, I don’t need to be notified everytime somebody changes their profile pic or fixes a typo in their description.
I’ll second that. It does make tinkering with one’s profile a rather spammy proposition.
I’ll third that. Perhaps, have it sent as a notification to those that are friends or followers of that individual, but i dont see the need to advertise it to the entire community.
Yeah I kind of agree. I took it out. Updates shouldn’t log to the activity stream anymore. It will take a few more posts for the existing ones to scroll off.
Wiki: navigation box: community portal needs update
I am looking forward to being able to post pics to my own page. It helps add to your character with out flooding, then being lost, in the public gallery.
How does one start a new book?
I think it involves story and page content that can be created, but not positive.
I am see a way to add my content to an established book, but not a way to start a new title.
From the looks of it we haven’t set that option up yet.
We will look into it though.
When submitting or editing a blog post, you should see an expandable section called “Book outline”. Expand that and pull down the option that says “<Create book>”
That should do it. Apparently the first entry in the book gives it its title, but you can change that by reordering them; later entries can be moved around. Once created, the book should appear in the Books tab. No idea where this will go, but if it works the way I think it does, it could be very cool.
I didn’t realized it was set up within the blogs.
Well the best thing (what I used to do actually) is make a post generally either to say what the story is about and make it the title page then number the chapters. You don’t to need number them unless you know you’re going to have lots of chapters because you can organize them with the weight numbering system (-15 to 15) “Pages at a given level are ordered first by weight and then by title.”
So yeah… I used it a while ago for a story site but used pages rather than blog posts.
This is a very interesting feature, looks like it will be fun to play with. It appears that the person who starts the story should be the one to start the book so the title will be meaningful. My blog is the second in what could be a series of posts, but I cannot force it off the top since I used my page to start the book. The starting page might be ‘special’ in this regard.
Okay, whoops. I think we have a problem. Apparently books are intended to be for administrators. There are no permission settings that allow individual owners to administer their own books – everyone can administer everyone else’s books. That’s probably not good. I apologize, but I think it’s better if we take the feature offline until we can figure out how to apply it.
And by the way – I *thought* I had set it up so that there was a specific content type (“Chapter”) that could go into a Book. I deliberately unchecked the thing that let a Blog be part of a Book. Need to think this through.
And there’s always the Wiki for gathering together post links into ordered stories. The advantage there is that one can include other peoples’ posts–I don’t know whether that Book feature would be able to do that.
I thought that’s why we didn’t have it set up anyway because of the Wiki but wasn’t positive.
* paraphrasing ie spaces for new paragraphs do not seem to take
*also loosing whole posts trying to edit them .
never mind just saw your post .. blushes
Until we figure out what’s wrong please disable rich-text. That has been the easiest way to make paragraphs work for now.
We are working on fixing that and other formatting issues we seem to be having with our WYSIWYG windows.
I’m going to de-escalate this thread for now – we’ll mine it for open issues. Please post future issues to this thread.
citizen gallery is getting unwieldy. can have a search or an alphabet quick link?
can forums started by a person also be listed in their profiles like the blog entries are?
Would love to see the line-height of forum p text increased to something between 1.25em and 1.5em for easier reading. Lists look like they already have a higher line-height.