I know it’s not standard practice to announce events in other sims, but you may be interested in one on Girl Genius. Here’s your chance to start at the beginning of the series and talk about the books with others.
If you would like to lead a book discussion or participate in one here at the Burton, please contact me.
The Alexandrian Free Library is proud to present a monthly discussion of…Girl Genius, the Adventures of Agatha Heterodyne!
This year-long series begins at the very beginning of “Miss Agatha’s” saga, as depicted in Phil and Kaja Foglio’s Gaslamp Fantasy Comic, and discusses a new volume of the story each month.
Adventure! Romance! MAD SCIENCE!
Discussions will take place at the Winterfell Library, in Rosehaven, Winterfell’s community center, the second Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm.
Schedule: October 14 2012 Volume 1 http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20021104
I’ll have to try and be there then, I like the comics, though i’m a little behind on them
Great, Mr. Footman!
The discussion series will start at the very beginning, so no worries if you haven’t read the most recent episode. Folks new to the series will have the chance to get oriented, those who’ve read it a while ago can refresh their memories, and everyone — hopefully — will meet an entertaining set of characters.
This is a book club to discuss a comic? If so…Brilliant! I have never any of this story – so I will have Volume I read by the 14th (which is my birthday btw). I am a bit concerned that birthday revelry will keep me from attending the discussion – but I will do my best.