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Babbage Go-Devil

Its finished at last!  Now on sale at my factory for 250L along with a free demo version.




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  1. Sky Melnik Sky Melnik December 12, 2011

    Product Tester Testimony:
    “Best. Sled. Ever. If you think your sled goes fast you haven’t been on the Babbage Go-Devil. Shift this thing up and you will leave everyone else in the dust…uh, snow. The best vehicle to go enjoy in the North Fells region. Take those hills like a Go-Devil!”

    (This endorsement not a paid advertisement, from actual first hand experience.)

    • Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg December 12, 2011

      I still have to go get mine.  Now that I’m done with my holiday decorations, I think it’s time for some G0-Deviling.


  2. Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg December 13, 2011

    I finally got one.  Emerson and I took a pair out earlier tonight to give them a try.

    I’ll second the “Best.Sled.Ever” sentiment voiced by Sky above.

    Nimble and responsive. This sled screams.

    Try lacing the arches beneath the tracks in North Fells and then explode out onto the open snowfield to the west. After that, kick it into high gear and go for broke.

    I’m thinking Go-Devil races are in order.



  3. Emerson Lighthouse Emerson Lighthouse December 13, 2011

    Pure winter awesomeness!

  4. Kimika Ying Kimika Ying December 14, 2011

    Thank you for the endorsements. :)    I’m delighted to have come up with something so enjoyable.  As I mentioned a while back, the Go-Devil is modeled after a machine built right about a hundred years ago. The referenced news article is from January 31, 1912.

    Last Sunday a group of us got together to race about in the North Fells. Some Fleet members from Armada were in town and I lured them out of the pub with promises of high-speed danger. It was a blast and everyone survived. 


                                       Other townsfolk joined in and things kind of snowballed.




                                                                                Tesla and Star


                                                                               The Daggers


                                                Sky observed that we were a Steampunk biker gang


                                                                   …..with catapults.


    (Little M, we totally missed your house.  No worries.  We’ll send someone by with a zamboni to smooth out the pond.)


  5. Glaubrius Valeska Glaubrius Valeska December 21, 2011

    O you crazy kids. Ah, to be young again!


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