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Another way to support RFL 2011

Well the campsite and the designer sim are ready, the vendors are fired up, and the runners are doing their (virtual) stretches. The track is set for Relay for Life 2011.

And just to make it (even more) interesting, we’re trying something new.

New Babbage is partnering with community fundraising company Cauzoom to provide a new way for people to support us and our RFL efforts. For this weekend only, we’ll have a project available for real world support on the Cauzoom site. If we raise $250 in pledges, Cauzoom will contribute whatever we raise to RFL on the Convio platform to count against our total.

Here’s the cool part: Cauzoom lets you buy gift certificates and they’ll contribute a portion of the purchase to our project. We’re paired up with Whole Foods, Panera Bread, and Apple – so if you have any intention of buying anything from these companies in the next year, you might as well do it through Cauzoom and put that toward RFL. For that matter if *anyone you know* frequents any of these companies, they should do it now.

If we don’t hit our goal, we don’t get the money. (If you buy a card and we don’t hit our goal, they send you the card anyway and you can use the contribution again on another Cauzoom project.)

Here’s our project: 

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One Comment

  1. Bookworm Hienrichs Bookworm Hienrichs July 16, 2011

    A little more info:

    You do have to create an account at Cauzoom (or log in through Facebook), but you can pay with Paypal (either your own account or as a guest Paypal account).

    And yes, speaking through experience just gained. *grin*

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