City of New Babbage
Credit: William Dudley
“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll) (egads, please insert the standard Bookworm private journal disclaimer here. “waves hands”) I’m back at…
Journal, Am I my Clockwinder’s keeper? Goodness, according to most it would seem that I am. Though I’ve not laid eyes on the chap…
This really is lovely.. and I like the whole “create Content” part.. tho I did not create much in the ning.. .just alot of comments..…
Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive. ==Initial Post== Eliminating a Threat (or I’m Going to Need Bigger Bandages) ((Posted by Sky…
Casefile GS02122010 Location: Victory Hall, #12 Academy Downs, Babbage Palisade, New Babbage Synopsis: On 12 February subjects unknown flew an airship into the dome of…
Okay folks. This is a work-in-progress version of a New Babbage Community site, intended as an eventual replacement for the Ning. Most of the requirements are installed…