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City of New Babbage


Credit: William Dudley


Personal Journal 0306 yr4NB

“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll) (egads, please insert the standard Bookworm private journal disclaimer here. “waves hands”) I’m back at…

Journal Entry

Journal,   Am I my Clockwinder’s keeper?  Goodness, according to most it would seem that I am.  Though I’ve not laid eyes on the chap…

I am liking this so far

This really is lovely.. and I like the whole “create Content” part.. tho I did not create much in the ning.. .just alot of comments..…

Eliminating a Threat

Archivist note: This post is from an older recovered archive. ==Initial Post== Eliminating a Threat (or I’m Going to Need Bigger Bandages) ((Posted by Sky…

That’ll leave a mark

Casefile GS02122010 Location: Victory Hall, #12 Academy Downs, Babbage Palisade, New Babbage Synopsis: On 12 February subjects unknown flew an airship into the dome of…

June 29 Testing Thread

Okay folks. This is a work-in-progress version of a New Babbage Community site, intended as an eventual replacement for the Ning. Most of the requirements are installed…