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City of New Babbage

Clockhaven Square and Toll House

The old Clockhaven Square with the Academy Lane Toll House (or Doagrun Road as Tenk decided to call the little street) in the background.

The Slenderman Pt 2 (Too close for comfort)

Something was moving near the gravestone. I could hear a low scritch-scritch over the hum of the city. A small dark form crept out around…

The Rise and Fall of Fullarton House

((copied from the original artice on the old ning, the backstory of that weird looking domed building making the noises Tenk dont like in Clockhaven…

Fullarton House – 2009

Fullarton House in Clockhaven as it originally looked before i ripped it down and rebuilt it closer to the way it looks now…

Academy Building

A special treat for new users of the new New Babbage site thingy… This image will be deleted after a week….grab it while ya can…

The Slenderman Pt 1 (Cemetery nights)

Gabriell Satkolhya Anatra, you are an idiot, I thought to myself. So, here I was standing guard over the cemetery, alone, and with an untested…

New Babbage Hoteliers Association

Hotel’s, the life blood of travellers to and from New Babbage.A place to post upcoming social events, hotel news and views and to exchange tips…

The New Babbage Ladies Liberty League

The women of New Babbage face one too many injustices on a daily basis! As proper ladies in this grand city, we must fight for…

Humble in the Presence of Great Art

Nothing to say, really. Just wanted to try this out and have a blog post dated 8/9/10. [img_assist|nid=113|title=|desc=|link=popup|align=center|width=640|height=449]