Home Forums News from City Hall Oiling Festival 2021 (Official)

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    • #23193
      Mr Tenk

        Oiling Festival is our version of Spring Cleaning. A time when we shut down the factories for maintenance and fix what needs fixing. All residents of the Steamlands are invited to visit… and BUILD!

        Place entries by MIDNIGHT, JULY 10th, for judging on Sunday July 11th. (edited – ending on a holiday weekend was a bad idea). Sponsors are responsible for judging. Mr Tenk can forward a purse as needed.

        This year’s categories are:

        • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
      • #23194
        Mr Tenk

          PHOTOGRAPHY (2D)

          sponsor – Vic Mornington & Brunel Hall

          prizes – 2000/1000/500 Linden cash

          In support of Mr Mornington’s Project to update our Destination Guide entrie(s), we will need some fresh photos of the city.

          To enter, pick up a frame in the back room of the exhibit hall and hang your entries on that wall, using that frame.


          Entries must be 1024 x 768 px format

          Image has to be a “wide” view of the city, think street view or airborne citywide view

          No photoshopping or text, image must be from “viewer only”

          Fancy environmental settings are permitted.

          Two entries per person.

          Winning entry will be used in the updated Destination Guide listing for New Babbage.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
          • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
        • #23195
          Mr Tenk


            sponsor – Galactic Baroque & Baroquen Ethic Building Textures

            prizes – 3000/2000/1000/500

            Land Impact – no more than 25

            I can never have enough monuments. Some of the monuments around town still got sculpts in them. It is understood that entries may be added to Henry’s inventory and will need to be at least mod/trans (mod because anchor linking).

            Bonus if you provide a additional winterized version of your piece.

            Bonus if your piece provides a bit of historical insight to the city (that means make it up).

            Absolutely no sculptie prims.

            Rez in the back room of the Exhbit Hall (where the bar is)



            • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
            • #23313
              Vic Mornington

                The rundown of the top 3 for the DG Guide Image

                3rd Place: Glaubrius Valeska with a dark foreboding image of the Port Babbage docks.

                2nd Place: Mavromichali Szondi with a wide angle shot towards Port and Canals that looks as if the sky is on fire…or you are having an acid trip…

                1st Place: Oriana (msladyjewel.zsigmond) with a close up over the wall shot of the far end of Clockhaven with a storm brewing in the horizon.

            • #23196
              Mr Tenk

                ADVERTISING (2D)

                sponsor – Fauve Aeon

                prizes – 3000/2000/1000/500

                land impact – 1

                When you look at old photographs of urban environs, there is advertising pasted on nearly every available surface. From hand painted signage fading into the bricks, to mass printed handbills covering a street pole, we don’t have enough of it.

                Rez your ads in the front room of the Exhibit Hall, south wall. I want to see that wall plastered.

                Load your prim with the texture so folks can have one to use in their builds. Remember that textures are USELESS if they are not full perms.

                No limit on entries per person.

                Bonus for ads that reference local/steamland products.


                • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
              • #23198
                Mr Tenk

                  HAND TOOLS

                  sponsor – Silent Henry and the Public Works gang

                  land impact – don’t be a dick

                  prizes – 3000/2000/1000/500

                  A Babbager can never have enough hand tools. We’ve had this category before, but looking at those now, they are prim-itive when compared to what can be done with current build techniques.

                  Rez on benches in front room of the Exhibit Hall, north side, first alcove.

                  Bonus if entries are wearable as attachments.


                  • #23296
                    Mr Tenk

                      Beq Janus sweeps the category with a stunningly detailed set of hand tools that anyone would want on their bench. Because you do have a tool bench. Don’t you? DON’T YOU?

                      The monkey wrench almost makes me wanto replace my vintage Ordinal Malaprop special I wear on my belt.  She takes the purse, and my own personal copy of the US Navy Training Manual Tools and Their Uses, which has my greasy bilge-stained younger fingerprints all over it.


                      • #23298
                        Beq Janus

                          Thank you!! I will make the tools available for free to all Engineers as soon as RL gives me a moment.

                    • #23199
                      Mr Tenk

                        GOODS, WARES, & COMESTIBLES

                        sponsor – Jaz Beverly & The Beverly Shipping and Mercantile Company

                        land impact – 10 max

                        prizes – 3000/2000/1000/500 + free shipping from Beverly docks for a year

                        This one is wide open. Local products, foodstuffs, souvenirs, if you could find it in a local store, that’s what we’re looking for here.

                        Rez objects on the tables in the front room of the Exhibit Hall, north side, 2nd alcove.


                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                      • #23200
                        Mr Tenk

                          HONKIN’ BIG MACHINES

                          sponsor – Aberdon Enigma

                          land impact – 100

                          prizes – 3000/2000/1000/500

                          There’s something about watching giant machines go through their paces, ain’t there? Go build some. They should have moving parts and be LOUD.

                          Inworld building is encouraged. Rez on the circular pads in Builders Square. Base must fit on pad. Will rez more pads in Stonehammer as needed.



                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                          • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                          • #23282
                            Mr Tenk

                              No takers on the HBM’s this round, but Ms Oriana did use one of the platforms for a stealth garden. Now had there been a very loud machine somewhere in there, she would have taken the entire purse. But alas, there was only the gentle sound of a burbling fountain, so back to the treasury it goes.

                              Oriana's stealth garden

                          • #23202
                            Mr Tenk

                              CIVIC RITES & CEREMONIES

                              sponsor – Br. Rafael Savas & City Archives

                              prizes TBA

                              This is the storytelling category, but if you want to build an artifact to go with your story, I’ll find a place to rez them. (I suppose the newer folks have never seen the Mace of Olaf, so I will find a space. Proably at City Hall. Stay tuned)

                              Our city as,  we know it, is build on top of a much older city, which we know a lot less about. But relics remain in the bizarre and archaic ceremonies performed throughout the year, the civic offices that are little more than ceremonial, and.. ah..  other stuff.

                              Those in the know suspect that the real reason Mr Tenk tolerates Mr Underby is just so he has someone to perform certain mayoral duties for him.

                              Members of the City Watch have been particularly loud in advocating preservation of these archaic rites (especially if no one else cares), which, I suppose, is why they have persisted. (The City Watch is just like that, ya know? Those guys…)

                              Post (early and often) what you know in this forum thread, clearly marked so we know it’s an entry.

                              Recommended inspirations: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld,  Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake,

                              • #23283
                                Mr Tenk

                                  Ms Rusalka Writer takes the purse for this category with her great-grandfather’s recollection of the fires during the time of the great out-gassings, back when the Wheatstone district was still an undeveloped marshland. Scroll down this thread to see the story.

                                  Congratulations Ms W, and we will be revisiting this category again next year.

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                              • #23203
                                Mr Tenk

                                  bonus category

                                  NEW BLOOMAGE REDUX

                                  sponsor – Mrs. Reginald Trentwhistle & The New Babbage Ladies’ Civic Beautification Committee

                                  prizes – stick it to the Man, man! free land!

                                  Those busy-bodies and their beautification committee managed to get a gardening ordinance past city hall when Mr Tenk wasn’t looking. Until that order can be lawfully rescinded, you may turn any vacant lot into a park. Vacant lots are always deeded to Engineers group and may or may not have a salvage wagon near by.

                                  This is open to Engineers group only. Stay within lot prim allowance.

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                  • #23242

                                      I would like to work on a design for the lot next to me which is open, but as a relatively new New Babbage citizen I don’t know if that would be acceptable? The post mentions that only Engineers may participate. How does one become part of the group?


                                      • #23246
                                        Mr Tenk

                                          Engineers is for land holders

                                          • #23247

                                              A faint blush creeps across Ms. Harper’s cheeks and she lowers her eyes, “Sadly, no, I merely rent accommodations in your fair town. Reduced in circumstances I am no longer able to maintain the obligations of Society, or entertain as is proper for my station. And yet, I am somehow not quite fit to enter among the worthies of the town either.

                                              “I have tried to show civic spirit. I have created a kitchen and a schoolroom for the poor urchins and given them succor during unfortunate misunderstandings with the Town watch. But they do not trust me either, though I extend my pittance to keep food on the table which disappears only when I make myself absent.

                                              “It is a sad pass. I shall have to consider some other place where I can be accepted more fully.

                                              “Thank you for your directness, Mr. Tenk.”

                                              Walks quietly away with such dignity as she can muster.

                                              • #23248
                                                Mr Tenk

                                                  A clever soul might notice where the autoreturn hasn’t been turned on yet, like near where those old city hall buildings mysteriously returned. one of them even brought its old trees with it.

                                                  (We keep a separate group for those holding land for admin reasons – which makes the place is easy to lock down during squatter season. it’s no fun to have to keep building off all the time like some estates do.)

                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                          • #23285
                                            Mr Tenk

                                              Several takers on the stealth gardening, but many were derezzed due to land transfers. Mr Mornington did manage to find the largest of the vacant lots and got busy, enlisting every urchin in town to haul fresh peat compost and a whole lotta greenery.

                                              I’m sure I haven’t found all of the gardens yet. Do I dare look in the sewers?

                                              Mornington's stealth garden

                                              • #23286
                                                Mr Tenk

                                                • #23295
                                                  Mr Tenk

                                                    Found another one by Sabet (who took very good advantage of the opportunity), very nicely done and even employed the salvage wagons in the design.

                                              • #23207
                                                Mr Tenk


                                                  sponsor: Fauve Aeon & The Yule Goat

                                                  prizes: Boiler Elf Immunity at this year’s Steam Santa Ball

                                                  Ms Aeon needs gifts made for her winter gifting calendar project. Send your gifties to Fauve.

                                                  Gifting perms are tricky – it might be better to send full perm and have her change the perms when she loads them into the calendar.

                                                  Then, so we can see how the project is progressing, place a faux gift box next to the straw yule goat in the back room of the Exhibit Hall, near the bar.


                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                  • #23287
                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                      The Yule Goat stands in the corner of the Exhibit Hall, the bricks at its feet clean and barren. Were any gifties sent to Ms Aeon for this year’s advent calendar?

                                                      This does not bode well. Boiler Elf will know what you did (not) do. You will all be on the Naughty list.

                                                  • #23209
                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                      CURRENCY (2D)

                                                      sponsor: Junie Ginsburg & The Gangplank

                                                      prizes: nerdy bragging rights + an undisclosed amount of Tenkers (Cardano wallet required)

                                                      We know about the Imperial Quatloo that is still used to count wagers, the New Babbage Mark, Fobs, Sprockets, and the ten mark bill commonly call a tenker, right?

                                                      This isn’t a joke – Tenkers are also a cryptocurrency on the Cardano blockchain. No, it wasn’t my idea, but it was minted this year by someone here in town. The powers that be in crypto world have asked for a logo, but one has designed it yet. Final designs should be submitted in png format and look good in circle format. It might need a motto while you’re at it.

                                                      Sounds like another get quick rich scheme from those reprobates at the Gangplank to me, but there it is.

                                                      Rez coins on the picnic table in the back room of the Exhibit Hall.

                                                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                      • #23291
                                                        Mr Tenk

                                                          No takers on this one, but I’m sure Ms Ginsburg would entertain your design offline, because you always get that great idea right after the deadline, right?


                                                      • #23229
                                                        Mr Tenk


                                                          Projects are just that – things around town that need working on, best taken on by one person or a small crews so it gets done in time for the social high season in autumn. They are:


                                                          MORE STREET NAMES

                                                          Suggest names on this thread:

                                                          OF2021 – More Street Names


                                                          CITY WATCH HQ

                                                          reply here:

                                                          OF2021 – City Watch HQ


                                                          VOOM ELECTRIC TRUST WINDMILL REPAIR

                                                          reply here:

                                                          OF2021 – Voom Electric Trust Windmill


                                                          MONORAIL CAR

                                                          reply here:

                                                          OF2021 – Man the Monorail!


                                                          ADDITIONAL PROJECTS – personal projects folks have claimed, listed here for accountability:

                                                          Edward Pearse: refurbish the vault underneath City Hall.

                                                          Vic Mornington: new Headframe for Fells mining operations, last one got knocked out by the blackworms.

                                                          Beryl Strifeclaw: update Blackberry Memorial

                                                          Mr Tenk: rebuild north edge of Clockhaven for sim transition


                                                        • #23237
                                                          Vic Mornington

                                                            MINING HEADFRAME

                                                            sponsor: Vic Mornington

                                                            land impact: 70 max

                                                            prizes: 3500/2000/1000


                                                            Headframe for Fells mining operations.

                                                            I’m opening this one up to builders!

                                                            Platforms are here… http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blackberry%20Fields/189/156/94


                                                            1: Must be under 70LI (each)

                                                            2: Max footprint of 10m, max height of 20m

                                                            3: Two must be built of the same “style”.  One should be a “clean” mining headframe, in other words it looks like it’s just been built.  The second one should be a wrecked headframe, parts missing etc.

                                                            The “Clean” headframe will be used somewhere on the back of the region to make it look like mining is still going on.  The wrecked headframe will be placed at an angle on the slope leading down to the lake at the back, or maybe even in the lake with just the top sticking out.

                                                            The winner will have both versions of their headframe used at the back of Blackberry Fields.

                                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Vic Mornington.
                                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Vic Mornington.
                                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                                            • #23281
                                                              Mr Tenk

                                                                No takers on the headframes.

                                                                Must be a lumber shortage…

                                                                Mornington, what did you do to our trading relations with the Steelhead timber barons this time? Platforms

                                                            • #23259
                                                              Rusalka Writer

                                                                Speaking to the Civic Rites & Ceremonies…

                                                                I’m sure I don’t know the entire history of the City, but I seem to recall one annual event my Great-grandfather mentioned in his diaries. As I recall it came a few weeks after the breaking of the ice in Spring. After the water warmed, the land warmed– Perhaps it is the lack of open land in the city these days? It has fallen from common knowledge– I am speaking, of course, of the Great Out-Gassing. Apparently it was quite hazardous in the marshier parts of town. Fires erupting here and there– thrilling, but dangerous! Was the gas from natural decay, or from ancient industry of the old city? In any event, my Great-grandfather wrote fondly of dashing through empty lots with a wiener on a stick and the occasional marshmallow, looking for a spurt of flame. Most of the factories would get into the spirit of the thing and run flame from their smoke stacks– how lovely the city looked by firelight!

                                                                Surely someone has noticed whether the phenomenon continues in the Fells? The empty lots? Great-grandfather loved it! Grandfather was on the volunteer fire brigade, so not so much, but the old man was wild for it. There were rumors, of course, that there may have been arson involved, as gasses rising from the ground in Spring would have no reason to catch fire on their own, but this sort of speculation is merely vulgar and not worthy of comment.

                                                                Surely others of a stately age remember the Great Out-Gassing?

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