Home Forums Town Crier (OOC) Russell Eponym Musical Salon Every Other Tuesday

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    • #10115
      Fauve Aeon

        Tuesday, March 26th 2pmslt, Tuesday, April 9th 2-4pm slt

        what, what? A weekday musical entertainment and storytelling followed by an informal social salon? Why yes! :)

        Please join me every other Tuesday at 2PMSLT as  Russell Eponym gathers us together for an hour to  Russell Eponym gathers us together for an hour to regale us with stories and live music followed by a social hour of readings and conversation in text and voice.  Nring reading materials you’d like to share in voice or text, your own or someone elses…or interesting tidbits from the Victorian Era to share. Voice chat is not required if you do not use a microphone but please have your ears (or translators etc) on.

        March 26 and April 9 this event will be here at Dark Alice where we may dance or have tea: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Babbage%20Square/73/162/111

        The venue may float a little after this. May-July we will be at my LEA Grant space before returning this Salon home to New Babbage in August.

        Light RP is OK but please do remember (especially if you are a 100% IC player) that many of our guests will be visiting New Babbage for the first time so they will not be familiar with the City Lore. Please help me make them feel welcome and included and help them to gently enjoy the unique flavour of the City…mmmm, sooty.

      • #10119
        Fauve Aeon

          I could not figure out how to post this on the calendar since it will be every other Tuesday ongoing…or how to edit this entry if I need to change the slurl as we move about to other venues, help pls?


          edit – ok, now I can edit this :)


          • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Fauve Aeon.
        • #10120
          Fauve Aeon


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