Celebrate the longest night and mid-winter solstice with a chilling dash through the streets of New Babbage. Once a year, Babbagers warm themselves at one of our bathing establishments before racing through the snow clad only in bathing gear, towels, and hopefully a sturdy pair of boots. This year’s route reverses direction, taking dashers from Brunel Hall to the Turkish Bath in Babbage Square. Those willing to brave the winter chill should gather at 3PM SL time in the Brunel Hall Sauna with their bathing dress and a strong pair of shoes! The runners will then make their way across square and Academy to the welcome heat of the Turkish Bath. The establishment takes no responsibility for accidental canal trips or snowballs to the neck experienced during the race.
Following the race, partygoers and the surviving victorious runners will be treated to the DJ-ing skills of Mr Victor Mornington, and a mid-winter’s party to celebrate the renovation of the Perdido Street Turkish Baths. Come and see off the winter chill with good music and good company.
Hardcore runners do it with bare feet! But I don’t recommend it…it might increase the number of frozen limbs at Dr. Kaligawa’s clinic a bit too much.
This is enormous fun! Congratulations on the refurbishment.