Things are progressing as October approaches, i again ask for residents of new Babbage to put them selves forward as victims for my manipulation.
If you are interested in taking part or want more info please email with the subject heading “DARK AETHER FALLS”
Also please state weather you have a plot in New Babbage with an SLURL of where you live :)
I’d volunteer, but with my work schedual all over the place right now, I probably wouldn’t be much help
@Grendel, dont worry, it does not mean you cant take part in the story :) there will be a little something for everyone i hope
Do you have rough plans for when this will happen, Loki?
*eyes Loki*
What does this involve?
I’d like to help where I can, though if you want someone to die, I’ll create and alt for you to destroy.
I’m in!
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance whatsoever.
Sounds intriguing
@ Elilka Sieyes technically it’s already started but the main bulk of events should take place between mid september and december.
Please should hear soon from me, but ther eis still room for more to step forward.
I did send an email the first time you posted, but never got a reply… *sniffle*
[Edit] Scratch that. Just saw that you’ve sent one now. *chuckle*
Always willing to help Loki ^_^
I’m game. So long as your schedule’s flexible… cause my work schedule’s nuts.
Hi, Loki! I’ve never participated in one of your RP’s, but I would love to be involved if you have need. I own some land in Academy – I will send you slurls this evening.
Howdy! Scottie and I will step forward. E-mail coming your way directly, Master Loki.
Master Eliot:
I have resent my previous corrrespondence to you at as well as copied the contents of that letter to a message to you here at; hopefully one way or the other you will receive it.
Mr Salazar Jack
I know events have been underway for a little while now, but I am game for helping/being used for Dark Aether events. Let me know if I can be of use
Please email me as stated above
Please continue to use and abuse me. I don’t have enough luxury of time for roleplay, but I trust you completely for storytelling. And have loved it thus far.
I’m game.