- Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm SLT.
My time zone is SLT +3. - I reserve Wednesdays for letting you monopolize my time.
- Office Hours are conducted over Steampunks of New Babbage chat.
- Landholders should use Engineers of New Babbage first to call for routine assistance from city admins, then Steampunks of New Babbage if you don’t get a response.
- My keyboarding is terrible. I have early arthritis an accent.
Regular land is given 5 days grace before being reclaimed by the State (purple meter). Row houses, boat slips, and sea/air rights are not extended this courtesy, and may be reclaimed upon red meter. Blue meters are vacant and ready for move-in.
Real life can and will happen, let me know what is going on before your meter changes color.
For those not familiar with the layout of the city, there is a map showing locations of available real estate inside city hall, red for land and mayor’s rentals, blue for resident’s rentals.
To sell your land, contact me inworld or list list your land in the comments below. You may also place your marker on the city hall map with landmark and notecard givers. Selling party must IM or notecard Mosseveno Tenk when transaction is complete to finalize land and meter transfer.
Landlords may post subrentals to the comments
The most current real estate listing is always kept in the spike at the center of the map in City Hall.
Loner Lane, Port Babbage
936 prims at L$1900/week
Melnik Square, Port Babbage
936 prims at L$1900/week
Pneumatic Post Station, Port Babbage
768 prims at L$1550/week
Serenity Steamworks/Welcome Center, Port Babbage
468 prims at L$950/week
Each parcel comes with the existing build free of charge (full perms, I believe) and I even have Moses’ orginal builds for the Lane and Square. Contact Scottie Melnik or Sky Netizen if you’re interested.
The CocoaJava Jitters Annex now has two shop spaces and two bi-level townhouses for rent.
Each one is 200L for 50 prims.
See Blackberry Harvey for details
The Steamweaver Printery (northeast corner of Wheatstone Waterways) and Steamweaver Aeroworks (Iron Bay) are now for sale. The Aeroworks airship hangar and hydrogen generating machine are both included in the sale.
See A.E. Cleanslate or M. Tenk for details.
Byrne Estate in Wheatstone Waterways for sale
One of the odd triangular plots. A builders dream.
Will consider transfering building to new owner.
402 prims 810L/week
Contact Stargirl Macbain
At Clockhaven Harbour, there has arisen a lot available for rental as I move to another in the region.
The salient details are:
512 sqm
245 prim
Now available:
IM Mossoveno Tenk, Mr Victor Mornington or myself if interested.