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(OOC: Photos of Giles and Leia’s wedding and more)

Arnold’s recovery (IC):

Preparing to enter his head

After succesfully waking him and a long conversation, Maddox insists on feeding him.

He probably won’t finish all that…

Sleeping restfully…finally.

The wedding:

Guests arrive

Christine looks exited

Sultan and Sultana

Junie and Star

Doesn’t look like Nate cleaned up first.

Tenk is here!

Oh wait no hes not.

Melniks and a hunter

The groom arrives.

Waiting for the minister.

City official Underby is here

The bride is ready

The bride was slightly surprised by the grooms…vows.

By the power invested in him by his hubris…

You are now sl man and wife.

Posing with the bouquet

Outside Nate and Tubby swarm on the cake right away!

He came back

Bianca and Tenk

I tawt I taw a ruthey Tenk.

I did, I did see a ruthey Tenk

The Underbys


Impromptu Bunnies:

Vic turned into something completely furry for a bit

Seemed to be a contagious theme of some kind

Kaylee got into the spirit as well

A big bunny whose fur ate Blackberry

Zombie Dino stuff:


The Melniks and the dino

Pippy swore she caught it blinking

Junie and a few others with the dino

That’s a friendly face!

Seems to have fallen

Knock knock knocking on Elleon’s Door

A bit of a mess up

Fixing it up

Spires visits

Other photos:

Looking up at Tenk

Bruised knuckles

Runaway Trolleys

Trolley flips

Arnold and a Tesla Cannon

Looking a bit green…er.

Finishing up the lead.

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One Comment

  1. Leia Rossini Leia Rossini October 18, 2011

    Mr. Arnold, these are wonderful thank you!  And you got the kiss, yay!  I missed that shot…well, because I was enjoying the kiss ;)  Thanks for capturing all of these various moments, they’re all good fun! 

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