Wherever that is happening—I don’t want to be there.
Junie Ginsburg
May 29, 2014
Nelly Faulkner took an axe
and gave the father forty… seconds to kick her ass.
Tepic Harlequin
May 29, 2014
Miss Nelly may have the strength, but reckon the Father is the cannier! An how come they both looks like they been workin in the blacking factory, gharstly, the both of em…. you think the Holy Joe been sipping that fomular they been talkin about?
Thomas Morlock
May 29, 2014
I’ll wager the scary looking one wins.
Petra Flax
May 30, 2014
Which one is THAT?!
Cleetus O'Reatus
May 30, 2014
See—that right there is just another example of why I don’t go to church
daaaaaang. the old man still has it in him.
Wherever that is happening—I don’t want to be there.
Nelly Faulkner took an axe
and gave the father forty… seconds to kick her ass.
Miss Nelly may have the strength, but reckon the Father is the cannier! An how come they both looks like they been workin in the blacking factory, gharstly, the both of em…. you think the Holy Joe been sipping that fomular they been talkin about?
I’ll wager the scary looking one wins.
Which one is THAT?!
See—that right there is just another example of why I don’t go to church