Skeletal bones found last month at Fonzarelli Docks targeted by grave robbers; Murder victim found nearby.
By Milo Pressmore, New Babbage Business Gazette
Literal skullduggery and foul murder were both discovered at the Fonzarelli Docks in New Babbage recently at the scene of a mass grave unearthed just last month by local land owner, Skusting Dagger. The open grave had been left in situ until experts from the University’s archeology department were able to catalog the specimens and remove them respectfully from the site. The plan all went wrong somehow— just this past Friday the remains were stolen from the open grave, and the gruesome body of a fresh murder victim was found nearby on the dock itself.

The victim, now identified from a calling card as Milton Steampunk, appeared to have been killed at the site of the grave and then dragged to the edge of the loading area, where the body was pushed over onto the dock below. Drag marks in this area made from the victim’s blood and other fluids confirm this scenario.
The victim was also identified by Mr. Dagger as the same individual who initially responded at the time the mass grave was first discovered last month. Mr. Steampunk had introduced himself as an archeologist from the University, and at that time he confirmed the remains to be human, and from the Iron Age. Spokespersons from Oxbridge University however have denied employing a Milton Steampunk, and have also denied having an Archeology Department altogether.
Mr. Dagger had, after the initial discovery, left the site open and accessible to gawkers and onlookers, in the hopes that some visitor might shed light on the mystery of the mass burial, perhaps over a pint at Ruby’s Pub next door. Dagger had stated previously that he was not worried about anyone looting the site, since he had “My own means of keeping an eye on them.”

When questioned further about the security of the site in light of the murder and grave-robbing, Mr. Dagger said, “Some of the local urchins keep an eye on things for me from time to time. And the ones who do, I trust implicitly.” While admitting that “Not very much in New Babbage is monitored very closely,” Mr. Dagger claimed he had never had any problems with theft at the site; “None of the usual shipments of goods that come in and out have ever been stolen,” he says.
Again, no one from the local militia could be found to give a statement on this double crime. New Babbage citizens and visitors should exercise caution when traveling about the city in light of this recent murder. Information seekers should repair to Ruby’s Pub for discussion of the incident.
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