Home Forums Town Crier (OOC) 2018 Oiling Festival

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    • #9914
      Mr Tenk

        In the early days, the Oiling Festival was sort of a spring break thing. Building techniques have changed since then, inworld building isn’t really a ‘thing’ like it once was, and it just takes more time (and off-grid isolation) to build. Yes, we all miss those late nights bonding on the platforms while pushing a prim around once every 20 minutes… but… Progress.

        Henceforth, Oiling Festival will be a long slow summer event. Festival opens Saturday August 4thwith the Baroque Ball. Building will cease on October 5th and  judging will take place the weekend of Oct. 5-6, at which time it will be time to clean up, switch foliage and terrain to fall, and get out the punkins.

        This year’s categories are——

      • #9915
        Mr Tenk

          1 – RALLY CARS.

          Prims: don’t be a dick.

          Yeah, we never had the bar crawl/road rally. Place your cars on the lawn in Moreaux Park (Pilgrim Hill) in Port Babbage. Cars do not have to be functional, but extra points if they are. Theme is relaxed to stretch to through the Art Deco movement. Your car should say something about you, alá Wacky Racers. If in doubt, remember this rule: We’re romantics. Contemporary is boring.

          • #10038
            Mr Tenk

              Tepic takes the purse for his Urchin Rally Car, made of planks, barrels, and some necessary hardware. Placard reads: “A non-working model of the infamous URC, powered by a sirling engine. It was banned from the City roads after the events of June Eighteen Ninety Four…”

            • #10042
              Mr Tenk

                Tepic's Urchin Rally Car

            • #9916
              Mr Tenk


                Time has taken its toll on the Aether Salon and the scripts are no longer functional, and its builder sleeps amongst our honored dead. This will be the 3rd incarnation of the Aether Salon. The build straddles a sim line so that it can accommodate more avatars for special events.  The lot is two 512 lots side by side, making one 1024 square lot (32×32) with a sidewalk easement.  Prim allowance for the lot is 312 x 2. The lots do not share prims. What is physical in one sim is phantom in the other. Keep in mind that the Salon staff would like to have prims left over for furnishings and snacks.

                Place builds (full scale) on designated lots on the special platform above the Engineer’s Platform Above The Fells. A mock-up of the street will be provided.

                • #10047
                  Mr Tenk

                    3 entries from Martien Pontecorvo, Edda Borrelly, and Artful Hammerer.

                • #9917
                  Mr Tenk

                    3 – HEAVY LIFTING EQUIPMENT

                    Sponsors: Wulfie Blitzen & Lady Sumoku

                    Prims: don’t be a dick. Iron Bay has a limited capacity.

                    As a port city of industry, we should be able to get stuff on an off a ship with something other than than porters, right? Build some lifting equipment on the special piers provided in Iron Bay. Barge mounted machinery is also groovy. Interpret “ships” as you will.

                    • #10040
                      Mr Tenk

                        no takers this time. will cycle it back into the tickler file for another year.

                    • #9918
                      Mr Tenk

                        4 – 2D PHOTOSHOP CHALLENGE: THE FAUNA

                        Prims: 4

                        Animals. Critters. Wildlife. Livestock. Show us what we got. Rez photos on designated wall in the Exhibit Hall along with a descriptive placard. Also post on the designated forum so others can discuss their own encounters with our local beasties.

                        • #9920
                          Mr Tenk

                            Make that 5 prims.

                          • #10064
                            Mr Tenk

                              Tepic takes the entire purse for the Self Inflating Hedgehog, which brings so much immature laughter those special cab rides around town.

                          • #9919
                            Mr Tenk

                              5 – 2D: GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY

                              Prims: 5

                              This is the stealth storytelling category. Rez images on the designated wall in the Exhibit Hall in Wheatstone Waterways. You may include a descriptive placard. It does not have to created from an entirely in-world tableau: you can mash it up with or create entirely from other sources. Also post in the designated forum for the sake of posterity.

                              I shouldn’t have to say this, but… we’re not looking for real world history here. This is where you get to add to the Lore.

                              • #10063
                                Mr Tenk

                                  Tepic takes all with the Privy Paper Shortage of autumn 18xx. Who could forget?

                                  I will be using this category again.

                              • #9921
                                Mr Tenk

                                  Hey Cyan, are we going to be able to sub-replies here? That would be cleaner. A delete post would be nice too.


                                  • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                                  • #9933
                                    Cyan Rayna

                                      That should be a feature but I will look into it. I haven’t really used the forums much so this is all testing still XD

                                      • #9934
                                        Cyan Rayna

                                          Found it XD just didn’t have it turned on for some reason.

                                    • #9923
                                      Mr Tenk

                                        6 – SMALL BUILD: SMOKE SHOP

                                        Sponsor: The Gangplank

                                        We need more pipes, but since you insisted on the pun, we need more of the other pipes too. What are we smoking, and how do we do it? Rez items on the designated tables in the Exhibit Hall in Wheatstone Waterways. Attachables are a plus. You may set items for sale.

                                        • #9955
                                          Edward Pearse

                                            Been thinking of updating the Tobacconists in Clockwork Close. Might be the time for it

                                          • #10062
                                            Mr Tenk

                                              No entries. Back into the tickler file it goes.

                                          • #9924
                                            Mr Tenk

                                              7 – SMALL BUILD: WEATHER VANES

                                              Prims: 15

                                              You can never have enough roof hardware in this town. Make some weather vanes. It’s ok if it is not scripted. You should also absolutely put them on Marketplace. There’s lots of Very Crappy Stuff on Marketplace. You are good enough.

                                              Rez on designated tables in the Exhibit Hall in Wheatstone Waterways.

                                              • #10065
                                                Mr Tenk

                                                  Four builders stepped up to this one and might I say the entries are Fabulous. If you’re quick, you might still be able to grab one, and I do hope to see all of these listed on SL Marketplace. Yeah, it’s a pain to list, but you only have to do it once.

                                                  1- Artful Hammer for his very detailed scripted weather station at 14 impact

                                                  2 – Edda Borrelly for a whimsical nautical themed number at 11 impact

                                                  3 – Yelly Donut’s elegant cobalt glass model, with or without lightning, at 3 impact each.

                                                  HM – Joe Magarac (animats) for a classic kraken alpha-texture roof topper at 1 impact.



                                              • #9925
                                                Mr Tenk

                                                  8 – SEWER & TUNNEL KITS

                                                  Look under the streets of our fair city and it’s like swiss cheese down there, and there are not enough good building kits with reasonable land impact to do everything we want to do. Guess we’ll have to provide for ourselves. Rez your demo sets on the special platform above the Engineers’ Platform Above The Fells. It’s okay to place  a vendor box near by. And yes, you absolutely should put what you build for sale on Marketplace, because passive income is “verra nize.”

                                                  • #10045
                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                      no takers this time.

                                                  • #9926
                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                      9 – HOVELS

                                                      Prims: 50

                                                      You’ve seen them.. though you pretend not to.. our wretched poor.. living on the streets, building their shelters where ever they think they won’t be noticed. Place your hovels in the back area of the Exhibit Hall in Wheatstone Waterways.

                                                      • #10060
                                                        Mr Tenk

                                                          1- Violet Solano takes first place with her excellent shanty shack weighing 26 impact.

                                                          2- Bella Valoris for a solidly built fixer tiny town fixer upper at 25 impact

                                                        • #10061
                                                          Mr Tenk

                                                            Hovels & Squats 1st place, Violet Solano

                                                        • #9927
                                                          Mr Tenk

                                                            10 – PIPE KITS

                                                            There’s no denying the sheer sexiness of a jumble pipes. We need pipes. Under the streets. Above the streets. Between the buildings. through the buildings. Even those arty decorative hipster pipes. We just can’t have enough pipes.

                                                            Rez in designated area in the Exhibit Hall. You may also place a vendor. You should list on SL Marketplace.

                                                            • #10048
                                                              Mr Tenk

                                                                no takers. back in the tickler file it goes for another year.

                                                            • #9928
                                                              Mr Tenk

                                                                11A – ROOF STUFF

                                                                Who doesn’t love to stand on the roof in some broody anti-heroic posture… yeah yeah yeah. We know. So you must have seen a lot of stuff going on up therewhile you were at it, right? Hardware? Fans? Pigeon lofts? Really big guns? Something else? Rez it on the fake building near Center Cemetery in Babbage Square.

                                                                11B- BROODY ROOF POSE

                                                                Rez poseballs along the edge of the roof. You know you want to. Capes come extra.

                                                                • #10037
                                                                  Mr Tenk

                                                                    One taker takes the entire purse: The Magnetic Lift Air Kraken Feeder by Solano Iron Works, bolts easily to the corner of any flat roof building, and the operating board is thoughtfully enclosed in a safety cage. Sheep sold separately.

                                                                    Congratulations to Ms Violet Solano.

                                                                  • #10043
                                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                                      V. Solano's Mag Lift Automatic Kraken Feeder (sheep included)

                                                                  • #9929
                                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                                      12 – FREESTANDING WALL & FENCE KITS

                                                                      I have found these to be very useful things to have in the old inventory, and they help fill up those empty  spaces after you place your build on the lot without burning a lot of prims. Cityscapes need to be kept tight.

                                                                      Rez your kits on the designated area of the special platform above The Fells.  You may also place a vendor, and do list on SL Marketplace too.

                                                                      • #10046
                                                                        Mr Tenk

                                                                          no takers on this one.

                                                                      • #9930
                                                                        Mr Tenk

                                                                          13 – SCULPTING CHALLENGE: UNSPEAKABLE ELDRITCH HORROR

                                                                          Prims: don’t be a dick.

                                                                          Did you know that August is Mythos Month in New Babbage? Well, it is! Rez your horrors at the bottom of Speculation Lake with the giant slug. Don’t wake the giant slug.

                                                                          • #10041
                                                                            Mr Tenk

                                                                              looks like no takers for this one… or else the giant slug ate them all. and it’s not talking.

                                                                            • #10044
                                                                              Mr Tenk

                                                                                Looks like it was hungry

                                                                            • #9936
                                                                              Mr Tenk
                                                                              • #10012
                                                                                Mr Tenk

                                                                                  14 – ICE CRAWLER

                                                                                  The Ice Crawler is the winter version of the Water Taxi. It only operated one season and was forever lost in inventory due to a naming accident. It was a wonderfully monstrous thing and we need another one. Keep in mind the scripts will raise the impact when it is put into service, and the sim budgets assume that the trams and boats run around 35 impact.

                                                                                  Rez in Builder’s Square



                                                                                  • #10039
                                                                                    Mr Tenk

                                                                                      no entries. still hoping to see an NBTA ice crawler making the rounds this winter.

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