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DJ Sred – 80’s Goth and EBM (plus stump the DJ)

I know this is a bit on the early side, but it’ll give you plenty of time to put this on your calendar :)

Friday, August 27

6pm – 8pm SLT

The Society Club presents A Night of Great Tunes.  DJ Sredni Eel will be spinning all the best in goth and dance from the 80’s, 90’s and now!

THRILL to My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult!  MARVEL at the Lords of Acid! Kick up your heels to David Bowie, Dr. Steel, Ministry, and KMFDM!  If that isn’t enough, there will be some obscure New Wave songs to dance to.  Remember Celebrate the Nun?  Industry?  New Order?  Still unconvinced?  Let’s play a round of Stump the DJ.  If the song you want cannot be played, you will win an exclusive prize from AVATAR BIZARRE!  Even if you prefer just to send your requests for the sake of hearing a song, all you have to do is whisper in the DJ’s ear.

The Society Club is a  “Gentlemen’s Club” with a Steampunk flavor.  Victorian, Edwardian, Formal and Steampunk attire are preferred, but we relax the rules for dances, so let’s see what you’ve got!  This is an adult sim, so no child avatars allowed.  I’d love to see some of you at this event, because I love playing your requests.  You folks come up with some fun ones.

The zeppelin is waiting. . .


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  1. Tepic Harlequin Tepic Harlequin August 19, 2010

    no urchins allowed? oh well…..

    • Sredni Eel Sredni Eel August 19, 2010

      If if was up to me, that wouldn’t be the case, but I have to abide by the rules :|

      On the other hand, you could just say you’re really short :)  I won’t say a thing.

    • Morat Barbosa Morat Barbosa August 19, 2010

      Hi Tepic,

      Just to clarify, it’s not that we don’t like the urchins of New Babbage (we do), it’s just that as the club has a mature theme and is on an Adult sim to have urchins or any child avs on the premises at any time would be unsafe for them and also a possible violation of LL’s TOS and the Covenant. If however you can somehow miraculously age to 18+ just for the event you are more than welcome.

      We like the urchins of NB a lot and are always happy to hang out and RP  with you guys in an appropriate setting in New Babbage.

      Best wishes


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