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Posts published in “Roleplay”

The Short Cut

(Continued from The Order) If Milo was surprised when the Squire roused him before dawn, he was even more surprised to find him in the…

Being a Little Breathless always hurts

Cyan trudged weakly across the ice, his breath turning into a mist in front of him.  He had reached the gap between the ice and…

A Formal Complaint

Having been rebuffed by the office of Underby umpteen times, Bologna decided to forge formal complaints with the Bucket of Blood, knowing that fink of…

The Order

It grated on Milo that Brother Malus wanted to be called “Squire.” They had come up through the cathedral school just the same, but there…

A Little Release Never Hurts

A knock at the door woke Cyan with a start.  Blearily, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned a greeting.  Dr. Sonnerstein…

Actually, it did hurt a little

“NINJAS!” Brother Sevus sighed. “SPIES! INTERNATIONAL ESPIONAGE!” “Junie,” he said patiently. “HILLBILLIES!” “Junie!” he shouted. Junie narrowed her eyes and glared at him as a…

A little scroll work never hurt

Tepic had thought very carefully about how to let Beryl and Sir Sir Emerson know they were no longer Adult Liaisons to the urchins. It…

A Little Destruction never hurt

Spalding sat in his favorite tea spot of his favorite tea shop sipping his favorite tea. He was exuberant with happiness and filled with such…

Petra and The Plank

Following a long morning in the City Hall archives, Junie repaired to the bustling comfort of The Gangplank during the busy lunch rush. Longshoremen, deck…

A Little Tepic Logic never hurts

Cyan is Trapped It was dark in Cyan’s hospital room when Tepic entered, but that was to be expected at 3am in the morning. He…