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Bugs and Tasks

Based on Greg’s excellent bug/problem list, here are some assignments:

* Install Friends module – BLACKBERRY DONE
* Find and install a way to send email notices when blogs/forums are
commented upon – CYAN DONE
* Find and install an inline spell-checking module – CYAN DONE
* Set up backup system – GREG Postponed
* Install ImageMagick – AE DONE
* Adjust front-page forum listing view to show latest comments correctly – AE DONE
* Adjust avatar gallery view to show names instead of alt tags – AE DONE
* Adjust slideshow view to show only gallery images – AE DONE
* Build blogs-by-tag, blogs-by-date, blogs-by-popularity views for
display in rightside of blogs tab – AE DONE, EXCEPT blogs-by-date
* Add Admin-Docs page with customization notes – AE DONE

* Queue up cron to run properly – AE DONE

* Fix UpcomingEvents block to show from and to dates – ANYONE BUT AE

* Fix blogs_by_date view so it shows a link to the appropriate range of blogs that is understood by the page – ANYONE BUT AE

* Load the HTML archive of the Ning onto one of Greg’s webservers – GREG/ELFOD

* Design and build inworld kiosk/signup security system – GREG POSTPONED
* Arrange for a brainstorming session for Babbage-specific tags – TENK
* Either commit to “The Station” or set up a Ning discussion to
solicit naming ideas for the new site – TENK
* Rename directory to /station/ or whatever we decide. – AE + ALL (*wince*)

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  1. Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 6, 2010

    Okay added a notify function to comments and a spell check for wysiwyg. I haven’t tested them yet.

    I’m not sure if I fully installed the spell check either since I can’t find a spell check button option in the wysiwyg. If someone would like to try more with it today they can but have to get ready for work and don’t have the options at work to edit as much (ie no ftp). If nothing else will try to see how to set it up when I get home.

    The Comment Notify is actually showing up as I type so that should be fine.

    • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 9, 2010

      There has been too much happening at home lately that I have forgotten to get back to these issues. Still haven’t tested the notify me but seem like it should be self explanatory.

      As for the Spell Checking… Will try and look into what I can today during work. There might be more advanced “installing” that needs to take place that I’m unaware of and if that’s the case will try and figure that out this weekend hopefully.

      • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 17, 2010

        I finally got the Spell check thing installed I think… but now none of the WYSIWYG buttons are showing. Will have to play around a bit more I think.

        • archivist archivist July 18, 2010

          Actually it looks like it’s working perfectly. Nice icon in the menu, misspelled words underlined, everything else functional. I’d say we call that a big DONE.

  2. Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey July 6, 2010

    I’ve installed the friendlist module.  It needs to be hooked up to things, such as a menu item.  It should have added some views for creating a viewable or sidebar friend list.

  3. MichaelD Mannonen MichaelD Mannonen July 7, 2010

    Not sure if this is the right place for it, but….I noticed there is no link on the main page to take us directly to the forum itself. I need to go to the forum section mid-page, click on one of the postings, then back myself up to the main forum area before i find the newsroom, parlour, and conservatory. Seems there should be a link to take you right to the top of the forum (unless i have missed something).

    • archivist archivist July 7, 2010

      Mr Mannonen – there’s a link to “Discussions” in the topmost tabs that takes you to Are you thinking of something different? Maybe those tabs aren’t as obvious as they should be, or the Discussions label isn’t intuitive?

      • MichaelD Mannonen MichaelD Mannonen July 7, 2010

        OK, yes archivist. That does exactly what i was looking for. However, it did not occur to me to touch the “Discussions” tab when i was looking for the “Forum”.

  4. MichaelD Mannonen MichaelD Mannonen July 7, 2010

    Another thing i am going to be a pain about. When I go to the Archives (using the archives tab at the top) I see no apparent way to navigate back the the city of new babbage main page.


    I’d also just like to add, that i think the site looks fantastic. I really like the style you have got here. You guys are doing a great job. Thank you!

    • archivist archivist July 9, 2010

      I agree – the Wiki hasn’t been altered to link back to the Drupal yet, but once we’re live that should be a quick add. I’m tempted to re-do the Wiki theme to make it blend better with this one. Color palettes at least, I think.

      I think there’s one more revision in the theme’s future – the titles aren’t obvious enough, and the paper tabs don’t make sense anymore… *grin*

      (BTW, AE is masquerading as archivist for now. I wanted to keep the AE account as a registered user (not an admin) for testing.)


  5. Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 17, 2010

    Apparently we need to make it harder for Spammers to get into the site.

    • archivist archivist July 17, 2010

      Yeah. I just turned on the “Visitors can create accounts but administrator approval is required.” but one still got through. I wonder how that happened. Come to think of it – I wonder how an administrator approves account requests…

      • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 18, 2010

        Actually three got through but they were never approved.

  6. archivist archivist July 18, 2010

    Added a math captcha to the reg page. Hopefully that will help a bit. I really liked Greg’s idea about having a tool in City Hall that would give out daily passcodes required for account creation. I’ve been surfing to see if there’s a module that will let that happen, but in the meantime this might work.

    • Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey August 8, 2010

      There is a module I had on Greg’s test site that allowed registration confirmation by generating a code in Drupal, then you locate a kiosk in-world and say that code to it, and your account is registered.  It was a little clunky, but we could have an “unconfirmed” user group that all new users go into, then once they confirm in-world, they get promoted to a “real” user.


  7. archivist archivist July 18, 2010

    Okay I’m stumped on blogs-by-date. I’ve got it set up correctly – the summary appears in the block correctly summarizing the blog posts by date, but when you click on one you and up on, but the system doesn’t know what the arguments represent. I’ve spent maybe four hours total messing with the view editor at, but can’t sort it out. Cyan/Blackberry – maybe you guys can figure it out?

    • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 18, 2010

      Well first thing is it’s locked because you’re veiwing it right not so Blackberry or I can’t edit it any to see what’s wrong. Next thing for me at least is I haven’t really played with views that much (or at least this version) so I’m not quite sure what exactly I’m looking for. I will do some digging at the drupal website to figure it out and then see if I can work at it.

      • archivist archivist July 18, 2010

        Locked? Hmm. I don’t think I was looking at it when you were. Weird.

      • Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 28, 2010

        All the digging I did didn’t seem to help and I really am not sure what to do now actually, add that in to my life just being weird in general lately which is why I haven’t said anything lately (sorry). I’ll try looking again but it just seems rather confusing to me.

  8. Cyan Icewolf Cyan Icewolf July 18, 2010

    I know it may seem bad to ask this right now… but since Greg is no longer with us, what are we going to do with the site because he does seem to be listed to do very big site related things here.

    • archivist archivist July 18, 2010

      Greg’s big pieces were:

      – setting up a live backup in case PowWeb goes belly up without notice (a miniscule chance of that, I think)

      – creating an authentication system with a token issued by a machine at City Hall

      Both would have been very useful, but are probably not necessary for launch. I think we stay on track.

      • Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey August 8, 2010

        I can work on the token machine.

        • archivist archivist August 8, 2010

          Awesome. I worry that it might not be critical for launch though. Do you want to look at the events or the blog display problems?

          • Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey August 8, 2010

            I’m working on an event display.

            • Blackberry Harvey Blackberry Harvey August 8, 2010

              Got a rudimentary upcoming events view put together and displayed on the front page.  It should display the next 10 events.

              Let me know what you think and tweaks can be made, to an extent.  Customizing the actual displayed result is hard.

              • archivist archivist August 9, 2010

                Woohoo! Nice work, sir. I tweaked the display template a bit. More to do, but good enough!

  9. Mr Tenk Mr Tenk July 20, 2010

    I’m not seeing an obvious way to add to upcoming events.


    • archivist archivist July 21, 2010

      Whoops. Looks like I had event creation turned off for everyone except Admins. It’s now available for authenticated users under Create Content > Event in the right hand column.


      BTW – I have the Event display in pieces trying to spruce it up. Shouldn’t take long.

      • archivist archivist July 24, 2010

        Okay I am thoroughly stumped on the Events view. (See I’m unable to display a From/To date on the summary view. I’ll style it so it looks halfway presentable, but if anyone has any ideas how to include date_from and date_to in the summary view, I’m all ears.

        This and the blog issue are the last big things before we can invite folks to test, I think. 

  10. Victor1st Mornington Victor1st Mornington August 2, 2010

    PHP timeout is happening on large image uploads by the looks of it, I had to size down one of the larger resolution top down city pictures to under 2mb.


    To be honest it probably wont affect many people, just folks like me who take high resolution pictures of the entire city, just means i need to turn the save quality down a little on photoshop :)

  11. archivist archivist August 5, 2010

    I *think* that might be a function of the fact that we haven’t yet turned on any caching or performance improvement stuff. I can also raise the max size of the images that can be uploaded, in case that makes a difference.

  12. Queer Hermit Queer Hermit August 10, 2010


    I have been working with the site as a user with no preconceived ideas about the site (except for a suggestion for the name). The only REAL problem that I have run across so far is uploading images. Is there a set of limits that exist or has something not been turned on yet? In any case that’s my largest issue. The spell checking is working fine for me and I have been able to import text from outside sources, experiencing only the usual rich text vs HMTL code issues that I also have in the ning. I think the formatting is just fine but I do have some experience in coding web pages. All in all, I think you fellow citizens are doing a fine job! Agatha Hetrodyne would be proud of you !! A concern I do have is that there are not more ning members making the move over here. After all, there are only 11 more days left !!!

    Queer’s typist


    I have found that an old reliable and free tool is handling the image issue quite well.  The tool name is IRfanView and it has its’ own website and download area.  Did I mention it was free??

  13. archivist archivist August 10, 2010

    Okay I’m closing out this thread. According to my calculations, all the launch-required features are in place and functional (if not entirely built out and/or pretty). I’m going to start a new bug-reporting thread and open things up to the Ning population.

    Guys – thank you all so much for your help. This is only the beginning – the more we can all chip in to improve this thing the better it will get. Cheers!

    – AE (aka archivist)

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