Babbagers, thank you so very much for making the Air Kraken Festival a success this past week!
I hope that all of you enjoyed it as much as I did.
I’d like to give extra thanks to my good friends who helped plan everything with me from the beginning: Scottie, Lia and Kimika. There is no way I could have done this without you all.
Thanks to Mr. Tenk and Mr. Cleanslate for giving approval for the crazy idea for the event.
Thank you to Lia and Mr. Cleanslate for your amazing festival posters.
Special thanks to Kaylee (confetti tossers, lanterns, etc.) and Kimika (the exhibit, ride-able kraken, target practice, etc.) for all of their awesome festival creations that made everything so fun.
Thank you to Ceejay and Bianca for all of their hard work running the writing contest and the scavenger hunt, respectively.
Thanks goes out to BB and Vic for DJing it up all week at the kraken parties. Your tunes always make everything great. And thank you to Gabrielle Riel for running the radio play for us.
Big thanks to all of the folks that put out their wares in the open market at the docks and made marvelous kraken traps for the build contest. The festival would have been empty without your efforts.
And a huge thank you to all who came, saw, helped, attended, and/or played with any part or event of the festival. For your pictures, blog posts and overall enjoyment. You all are the ones who made it such a success!
And thank you to anyone I may have missed…my excuse is that the air kraken have carried away my memory.
Janitor’s notes: Cleanup of the dock carts will be this evening and cleanup of the build contest entries will be the following evening.
A post about the build contest and winners is forthcoming tonight.
If you have any pictures of the festival/festival events/anything at all connected with the festival you have posted here on the site, on Flickr or elsewhere that you want saved for posterity please let me know. We will indeed be doing a inworld photo gallery and momento photo book. Details here:
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