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Epic Stained Glass of Industry

Stained glass panels of workers in different industries (and the history behind them.)

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  1. Bookworm Hienrichs Bookworm Hienrichs March 31, 2014

    I can imagine those in the Church of the Builder. Great find!

  2. Jon Chen Jon Chen April 1, 2014

    Well and truly said, Miss Book.  It is GOOD to BUILD; these panels are all about that — these are most certainly builder-heroes.  Hard to choose from so many amazing panels, but my current favorite has to be The Boatbuilder, as there is a moment of repose, and I recognize the tools (mostly).  Now I shall have to look closer at the stained glass of New Babbage, with especial scrutiny at the Church of the Builder….  Kudos to Elilka for posting this link; it is a guide and inspiration for building, I would think, after all, this is how it was at that time, and weren’t these people amazing — they had the care and charge of building the world long before we came along, and they did very well, indeed :)

    • Elilka Sieyes Elilka Sieyes April 3, 2014

      I think it’s a private Flickr page :( Buggeration.

  3. Garnet Psaltery Garnet Psaltery April 3, 2014

    The Maryhill images are beautiful indeed.  I’m unable to view the ones from Flickr, for some reason.

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