“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice (Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll)
I’m back at my desk, to recount all of this…while part of me is saying
there is nothing going on, part of my mind is screaming and pointing
that something is not right. Maybe I am getting old and complacent.
It all started earlier this weekend. I was feeling rather like
taking a walk to get a bit of air and to enjoy the warmth of the spring
air, so I headed out of the salon and worked my way along Academy Downs
towards the depot. As I passed the MacBain house, I caught a bit of
music from a cylinder machine floating out the window, so I figured I’d
be social and stop in. Proximity and circumstance had given me an
opportunity to become friends with Stargirl, and since Kaylee moved in I
like stopping in and checking on the both of them.
I knocked,
and heard Kaylee’s voice say come in. I walked upstairs, and what I saw
was disquieting funny … odd?
Kaylee sat in the chair by the fireplace, dressed in a very fine dress,
ankles crossed demurely, reading a book. As long as I have known her,
this was not a typical pose, or behavior. I was really willing to give
her a pass on the dress, since I myself have tried to wear skirts a bit
more often myself. But this was almost beyond the pale…I mean, I have
seen Kaylee in ballgowns for some of the Piermont affairs, but she
always kids me that it was almost under duress…the running joke was
that you can’t recalibrate a throttle governor in crinoline. Yet there
she was….the other bit was the reading material itself. I know she
reads penny dreadfuls, or technical manuals…but this was proper
We chatted for a bit, and I felt like I was talking to a stranger in
many ways. I noted a touch of fear and apprehension in her voice…not
so much from things, but it felt like she was scared of me. It was like
we were strangers, not friends who had fought invasions, disarmed
devices, and rescued people from merfolk together.
I looked at my watch and decided that I should go. Just before I
did, Star walked in and sat down on the couch. She was dressed in
workboots and trousers, and sat in a casual sprawl that I would have
more expected of her roommate. We exchanged cheerful hellos and
goodbyes, and I walked out and immediately headed to the cafe for some
Something’s going on. I can sense it in my guts, despite the casual
assurances from both of them that it is just a joke.
I need more coffee.
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