From the Journals of Senjata P. Witt: September 24th
New Babbage is a city with as many faces as the Vedic Gods. Layers upon layers of history, societies, mysteries, not less, of physical structure. Beneath the city itself lay an extensive network of steam and sewer tunnels, which link as well to mausoleums & crypts, to storm cellars, and secret passages into the city above. I have gathered some rumor of a pre-empirical city, somewhere to the north and east, as well as some hint that there are remnants of that older city beneath the living city of today. I have made some efforts to uncover this pre-empire Babbage, but to little avail. The remnants are fragmentary at best, and without proper archaeological site conditions, recovering more than the smallest hints would be nigh impossible at the moment. Still- folk tales and legends abound, and lure me deeper.
As I am resolved to learn more of this, I have begun to search for more permanent housing. Several suitable residences are available. I am most inclined toward a strange little house, perched upon scaffoldings like a falcon’s roost above the canal, just where it meets the Vernian Sea. If the landlord is inclined and all goes well, I shall move in within the week.
From there, I shall continue my jaunts to nearby realms, using more advanced technologies than steamship, to afford myself more time exploring New Babbage itself, and it’s deeper archives. So much to discover it seems- when shall I find the time to sleep?
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