Home Forums Town Crier (OOC) 2019 Oiling Festival – Official

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    • #10162
      Mr Tenk

        It’s another long sleepy summer in New Babbage, that means it’s time to poke around the dark corners of town and find the things that need fixing up. Oiling Festival is officially open now until September 15th, 2019. This year’s categories are:

      • #10163
        Mr Tenk


          sponsor: Serafina Puchkina

          full scale budget: no more than 300 LI

          location: Builder’s Square http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Academy%20of%20Industry/196/105/111

          City Librarian Serafina Puchkina would like to rebuild the RF Burton Public Library. It was originally a “crackerbox” build from the early days of SL by Canolli Capalini, and it has weathered at least one previous rebuild. It’s a good old pile of bricks, but it is too big, too primmy, and with that unused 3rd floor, it’s seriously showing its age.

          Proposals for the new library will be built on 1/10 scale on the given lot model base and rezzed in the public sandbox in front of the Academy of Industry. Pick up your lot model in the Academy auditorium and unlink the bare prim. Further instructions and a LM to the existing build are inside the prim.

        • #10164
          Mr Tenk

            STREET VENDORS

            Sponsor: Tepic Harlequin

            budget: 15

            Location: Exhibit Hall back room http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wheatstone%20Waterways/115/156/106

            Stalls, barrows, shoe shine kits, food carts & more… who and what lines our streets and public squares in legitimate search of our Babbage Marks? Rez in the back room of the Exhibit Hall in Wheatstone Waterways.

            • #10191
              Tepic Harlequin

                Some things being made already… i’s made a tray ter sell matches from, but it’s a bit clunky… this is a picture of me selling outside the Brunel, until the doorman chased me off, the cheek of it! How’s small business supposed ter flourish?

                Match Selling outside The Brunel

            • #10165
              Mr Tenk

                DUBIOUS ACHIEVEMENTS (2D)

                Sponsor: Mosseveno Tenk

                budget: 5

                Location: Exhibit Hall, front room south side http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wheatstone%20Waterways/153/151/106

                We’re all proud of our accomplishments, even if it’s just that wee brief moment before you discover what you’ve really done.

                Memorialize these great moments of our history in a portrait. You may also frame your portrait and provide an informative placard describing the event.

                Rez portraits on the easels in the front room of the Exhibit Hall, you can rez your own objects rather than use the built in easel features.

              • #10166
                Mr Tenk

                  AETHER SALON v3 – CONTINUED

                  Sponsor: Klaus Wulfenbach

                  Location: special use platform http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Fells/165/50/3201

                  This category was left unresolved last year so it will continue.

                  Time has taken its toll on the Aether Salon and the scripts are no longer functional, and its builder sleeps amongst our honored dead. This will be the 3rd incarnation of the Aether Salon. The build straddles a sim line so that it can accommodate more avatars for special events. The lot is two 512 lots side by side, making one 1024 square lot (32×32) with a sidewalk easement. Prim allowance for the lot is 312 on the Palisade side and 468 on the Academy side. The lots will not share prims. What is physical in one sim is phantom in the other. Keep in mind that the Salon staff would like to have prims left over for furnishings and snacks.

                  Rez full size on the given lots.


                • #10167
                  Mr Tenk

                    MADE IN NEW BABBAGE

                    Sponsor: Mosseveno Tenk

                    Budget: 10

                    Location: Exhibit Hall, front room north side http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wheatstone%20Waterways/154/171/106

                    Those small things we know and buy every day, that tourists ponder and expats pine for. Local products you can only get here. What are they? Rez them on the tables in the exhibit hall.

                    Hint: this is a wide open category. All you have to do to enter is make a product label and slap it on a prim then rez it on the table. Really.

                  • #10168
                    Mr Tenk

                      STORA CANAL MONORAIL

                      Sponsor: New Babbage Transit Authority

                      Budget limits: Uprights: 15, Track section: 3,  Car (optional): 20

                      Location: Babbage Canals http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Babbage%20Canals/128/146/106

                      You heard that right… monorail! Monorail! MONORAIL!

                      Ok, it doesn’t really have to be a monorail, but you get the idea. The Story Canal Aerial Line (ideally an underslung car) has to go over the brides, under (or over) the train tracks, and cross a sim line to get all the way from the New Babbage Shipworks in Babbage Canals to Sir Sir Emerson’s house in Wheatstone Waterways (subject to change), and be entirely anchored on city land.

                      Rez  a section of your “track” between 2 supports, you may or may not include a car. along the canal in Babbage Canals. Final supports may be further apart than demonstration model. Don’t be a dick about placement so everyone has room to rez. Keep in mind that only one side of the canal is available for prim anchoring on the Wheatstone side of the path.

                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                      • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Mr Tenk.
                    • #10171
                      Mr Tenk


                        Sponsor: Emerson Lighthouse

                        Budget: don’t be a dick

                        Location: The Fells

                        Particularly wet springtimes bring bogs and floods to the fells north of the city wall, and naturalists gather to witness a remarkable phenomenon: the rising of the great fell worms. And if you believe the tales Sir Sir Emerson tells of his grand adventuring days, our own errant knight insists that he once rode one across an otherwise impassable bog.

                        Rez a static and a scripted version of the beastie in it’s natural environment with an information placard nearby to tell us what you know about it. If it’s scripted to move or rideable, that’s even better! Please no lightening spitting (remember the giant slug?) or other features which would make it an annoyance to nearby residents.

                      • #10179
                        Mr Tenk

                          MANHOLE COVERS

                          sponsor: Kimika Ying

                          Budget: 1

                          location: Exhibit Hall, front room, centerline  floor

                          We seem to be short on manhole covers. You urchins haven’t been using them as go-kart wheels? Make some new ones and place then on the floor of the front room in the exhibit hall.

                          Inspiration: https://www.flickr.com/groups/japanese_manhole_covers/

                        • #10181
                          Mr Tenk

                            Sponsor: Kimika Ying
                            Budget: 1
                            Location, Exhibit Hall, front room, centerline floor

                            Where have all the manhole covers gone? We need some new ones!
                            Kimika suggests these as a source of inspiration: https://www.flickr.com/groups/japanese_manhole_covers/

                            This is primarily a texturing category, as the final product is a texture which can be applied to a prim or incorporated into a larger texture. Please don’t use transparency in your texture as that causes strange behavior and extra lag.

                            • #10187
                              Kimika Ying

                                Please make the manhole covers as cylindrical prims, 1 meter in diameter x 0.05 thick.

                            • #10183
                              The Archivist

                                No giant honking buildings?

                                /me weeps

                                • #10185
                                  Mr Tenk

                                    I don’t want those out all summer. Let’s save those for the end.

                                • #10196
                                  Mr Tenk

                                    HONKIN’ BIG… VEHICLES!

                                    land impact: traditionally 100, but don’t be a dick

                                    location: Storm Belt greenspace

                                    Sandbox Week out on the new green in Storm Belt sim is starting to look like a car show, so let’s have a proper car show. Your Honkin’ Big Machine for this year must be a vehicle of some sort (not actually scripted to drive, but you get my drift, right?). Unleash your inner mortal engine or whatever sort of stupid big vehicle you harbor in your soul.

                                    North side of sim will be dug for caverns after oiling festival, so no restrictions on where you rez.

                                    • #20771
                                      Mr Tenk

                                        Kimika Ying takes the purse with her water tower rocket, inspired by the SpaceX Starhopper.

                                    • #10199
                                      Mr Tenk

                                        ARCHAIC CITY OFFICES

                                        Mr Mornington has refused to catch any more rats until he gets a better title than City Ratcatcher. What are other archaic offices in New Babbage? Tell me about their functions, ceremonies, regalia, and anything else you know here:

                                        ARCHAIC CITY OFFICES (Oiling Festival 2019 thread)

                                        • #11041
                                          Mr Tenk

                                            No takers on this one, Mr Mornington will retain the title of Ratcatcher.

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