A Perfect – and free – opportunity for New Babbage to introduce itself to the grid’s general populace (rather than they rely on rumor) while celebrate the magic of Second Life.
Part of that magic is the ability to realize vintage inventions to functionality, something many Steampunk builders relish.
Does New Babbage have a presence? I’m betting there many spare, unclaimed parcels.
meh, we have not in the past, but a lot of babbagers do look forward to Loki Eliot’s build at SLBB which a lot of the urchins participate in (not as bababge urchins, those kids roam in packs through several estates). as a group our focus is on the RFL build in July.
I saw his. Very nice but seems a solo focus this year. Seems to be.
A shame though. Marianne did a great one for Bay City. Would have been nice to see a parcel of warm tones and grit.
Loki has a bunch of us working on his build this year, the ideas are coming together and we haven’t even started fighting among ourselves yet!
Marianne also has an SL8B plot, i think, so expect one of her builds too!
I know the SLKids have group one re Marianne & Pygar etc etc in addition to the one Marianne worked on for Bay City.
The one with Loki’s build looked complete (promoting literature), unless the Goonies or Urchins have another one? Or maybe it just looked complete to me :)
I’m just seeing groups getting into it and showing off a variety of aesthetics.
Polenth is there with her mushrooms.