[i][b]Friday the 13th:[/b][/i]
It would appear the poor urchins wandering the streets, and in some cases, hanging out at the Bucket of Blood, want for clothing. Some have visited me upstairs and asked why there is no clothing for the little ones here.
I really had no answer, apart from lack of experience in tayloring things in a smaller scale. But I’ve been working through the night to produce what I hope is a fine prototype.
A little man was offered a chance to pose for me once everything is in place. It will only be another day or so, then I hope to have several fine sets of clothes for the wee ones.

Unfinished Adult
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YAY! More clothes to buy :3
Wow! Right-on, dude!
I know right! Just can’t wait to see what else you make for us smaller folk heh.
I have ideas, and hopefully I’ll have a few things ready in the next week or so.