Tramis Domesticus By The Archivist on May 18, 2011 The first ever capture and domestication of a wild New Babbage tram. Spread the love Published in Recovered Blog Post The Archivist Maintenance account for the Babbage Aethernet Reader (BAR) and archival records. More from Recovered Blog PostMore posts in Recovered Blog Post »Steampunk Storytime @7pmThe Conservatory Ballroom Presents a Formal Dance Monthly, 4th SaturdaysMusic and Role-play at the Tell-Tale Heart Pub: Monthly 2nd TuesdaysSpring Formal Dance at The Conservatory Ballroom 5pm SLTSteampunk Storytime @7pm
Elilka Sieyes May 18, 2011 Don’t pre-judge him so soon…he may wish to join the army, or study medicine!
Breezy Carver May 18, 2011 Awww and you are feeding it too ! Name ?? Have you picked out a name for him yet ?
Awwww! Now that’s just darn adorable! *grins*
I believe that with time, the tram can be educated.
Soon he will be quoting Shakespeare and playing the violin.
Don’t pre-judge him so soon…he may wish to join the army, or study medicine!
He can choose what ever he likes when he grows up!
Our new family member Georgie the tram…:D
*wonders if trams dream of steam-powered sheep*
Awww and you are feeding it too ! Name ?? Have you picked out a name for him yet ?
Georgie the Tram
He doesn’t happen to have a cousin named Thomas does he?