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Time-travel and the calendar of events…

I was informed with some surprise that there’s some sort of strange tesseract effect upon these boards, and it might well behoove others to note that times listed herein for events may not be accurate. (Your mileage may vary…)  For example, Mr. Mornington’s readings this afternoon are listed incorrectly, a good hour after the events themselves are to take place. Be alerted, and double-check, if you are planning to attend! 

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  1. Stargirl Macbain Stargirl Macbain April 3, 2011

    That error has been noted several times on these boards (here is the most recent one from about four days ago: and numerous times in comments on the events themselves.  That’s why we ask that all events have the actual time written up in the description.

    So if you click on the event itself the page that that takes you to tells the correct time. Most of us are getting pretty used to doing this. 


  2. Senjata Witt Senjata Witt April 4, 2011

    My apologies for the redundancy then-  but not all of us are “most of us”. ;)  Some of us are “those clueless newbies” like me… I looked at the event and didnt’ know better. Just thought I’d pass it on to others like myself, ’cause I’d have been sad to show up an hour late as everyone was leaving.

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