(Many thanks for the rezday cheer, chaps, and who’d have known we had quite so many pubs!)
A Rezday Pub Crawl or Guide To New Babbage’s Streets in Visual/Alcoholic Form
Stop #1: Brunel Hall Hotel – Public Bar
Academy Downs, Academy of Industry
Stop #2: The Gangplank
Prince Dakkar Boulevard, Clockhaven
Stop #3: The Red Rum Cave
Battery Street / Harpers Corner, Clockhaven
Stop #4: The Old Brewery
Doagrun Road, Clockhaven
Stop #5: Tiny Tin
The Vernian Sea
Stop #6: Loki’s Absinthe
Canal Street, New Babbage
Stop #7: The Rusty Cog
Brunel’s Railway (Upper Square), Babbage Square
Stop #8: O’Mainin’s
Stop #9: The Bucket of Blood
Stop #10: Red’s Revenge
Stora Canal, Wheatstone Waterways
Stop #11: Ruby’s
Bow Street, Babbage Canals
Looks like it was a great pub crawl – sorry nobody was at the Bucket to serve… when I logged on there was still quite a crowd at Ruby’s, so I must have just missed it all. Happy rez day Dr Watson!
So many fine establishments in one town :D
That was certainly a night I wont soon forget!
I still say Emperor Crumb needs to come out with an imperially endorsed walking route. Looks like you covered it!
Looks like you had a lot of fun!
hilarious pictures. one can literarily see the degeneration, err, the fun, increasing from location to location.
thanks for some happy hours
Not that New Babbagites love a drink or two (or three…)
We need more pubs.
Would you settle for more drink?
aww Well Done !! Really this is fabulous !!!!!!!!!!!