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These shoes were made for…

RFL!  And those gears and gadgets move…

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  1. Stargirl Macbain Stargirl Macbain June 26, 2011

    Leia, I am so borrowing your shoes! :D

  2. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver June 26, 2011

    OH WOW  Love Love love them smiles :)

    SO steamy and saucy .. Please do : wear them in good .. cough cough safe health ((would hate if you tripped .. then  had… err  say a, sudden fall and perhaps  we had to help you and *smiles*  your new shoes ))   my dear !!

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse June 28, 2011

    How many shoes does it take to crash a sim?

    • Leia Rossini Leia Rossini June 28, 2011

      I’m not sure Duke, but certainly Star and I can do our very best with our near-matching pair. And “in these shoes” is my new theme song  ;) 

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