Let it be known!
Anyone with the audacity to degrade women in any way whatsoever will befall the same fate as Dr. Giles Berithos. Hear this quack! You who call women soulless, you who think them below automatons, this is WAR.
Let it be known!
Anyone with the audacity to degrade women in any way whatsoever will befall the same fate as Dr. Giles Berithos. Hear this quack! You who call women soulless, you who think them below automatons, this is WAR.
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That’ll teach him to imply I’m a whor….I mean….to say that women are lowly creatures!
My dear Ms. Macbain, I implied nothing. I thought I stated it quite clearly. You’re a harlot of the first order.
As for you, Ms. Bilavio – yes, this is certainly the way to show the equality or superiority of women – vandalism. Do you engage me in debate? Do you ignore me and show yourself the better person? No, you stoop to petty crime. I applaud you and thank you for reinforcing my point that most women are cruel and empty-head. You call me a quack, madam, but the lot of you are clucking, malevolent hens.
((What does the graffitti say? I can’t read it in the photo.))
I loathe you, Berithos. Anyone who calls you ‘Doctor’ is insulting a noble profession.
And I have insulted the world’s oldest profession by calling you a harlot. I apologize to ladies of the night everywhere.
*snarls at Berithos and whispers to the other ladies* It’s settled, next time we just burn down his entire practice…
Sir, how dare you insult my sweety kitty Valentine? This is war!
– Signed Bad Horse
*gasps* The Thoroughbred of Sin?!
“Sweet kitty Valentine?” *dies*
The graffiti reads “Down with the Quack!” and “Women deserve rights too!”.
If you tilt your head sideways and perhaps take off your ineffectual spectacles, you could read that as clear as day.
Dr. Berithos:
While I do not know that I entirely agree with the actions taken by the LLL, I most definitely sympathize with the feelings that led to them, and your suggestions are not at all helpful. To keep silence is to tacitly agree with your position, which we women most certainly will not do. To engage in debate with you is to indicate that your position may be defensible, which it most certainly is not. And you yourself, by using the phrase, “show yourself the better person” indicate that you know your position is wrong-headed and hurtful.
I would suggest, sir, that you apologize soon. It is always better to extend the olive branch first.
Hmph. Just like a man. He cannot refute me, so he ignores me.
I apologize for not replying. It was not my intention to ignore you. I did not think a reply was desired.
While I do applaud you for not degenerating into snarls and growls like your sisters in the above messages, I completely reject your suggestion of apology. The LLL has proven itself more than worthy of my original insult.
I was suggesting, sir, that you apologize to all women for the insults you have directed toward all women. That would certainly be a good first step toward resolving this conflict. Or do you prefer to persist in your course of ascribing actions, percieved and otherwise, of a few women to us all?
I do not know what your quarrel is with Miss MacBain, but to use such language toward her, and to use the occasion to impugn all women, is very ungentlemanly indeed. It shows a narrowness of mind and instability of character that I, for one, do not care to see in someone of the medical profession.
When did I ever claim to be a gentleman?
Hmm. That explains much.
“Down with the quack!” and “Women deserve rights too!”
ummm…not that I would know… if you scrunch your eyes and look at the photo with your head tilted, you can read it…ahem.
We also made a new business sign for you. The LLL: always helpful.
(( The signs read: “Down with the quack!” and “We deserve rights!”))
I expected this from that Bilavio woman, Mrs. Dagger, but you always seemed so kind, somehow different. I suppose this is a lesson that women truly are all the same.
When you publicly insult a friend, then yes, we are much the same. I would have thought that someone of your age and profession would no longer have illusions about human nature.
(Whatever happened to that wide-eyed innocent woman who arrived from Caledon last spring? Perhaps I need a vacation in the country.)
(The wide eyed innocent fell in with an ill-tempered redhead…)
*crumples up in the corner in fits of laughter*
This was tame compared to what could have been justly done. Star told me of you insulting her “smell,” saying it was similar to that of a cat litter-box. I maintain my position that your nose is either broken or deserves to be so, Doc.
Oh, and that small bucket you may or may not see in the pictures? I’m sure you can tell I “accidentally” spilled the not-so-pleasant-smelling contents of cat urine all over the front of your practice.
*grins evilly then looks at her arms, muttering something about the dangers of squeezing fifty cats*
So that was the tang in the air this morning? I thought it was simply the l’eau de vent of the Gut.
It was both.
Joseph C. Gayetty of New York started producing the first packaged
toilet paper in the U.S. in 1857. It consisted of pre-moistened flat
sheets medicated with aloe and was named “Gayetty’s Medicated Paper”.
Gayetty’s name was printed on every sheet.
Rolled and perforated toilet paper as we’re familiar with
today was invented around 1880. Faced with the consumers’ resistance
toward the “unmentionable” product, Scott came up with the idea of
customizing rolls for every merchant-customer they had. Under this
private-label arrangement, Scott purchased large “jumbo” rolls of paper
from various paper mills and converted them into packages of small
rolls and stacked sheets. (*Great Britain…1880- British Perforated
Paper Company) Scott Company was too embarrassed to put their name on
their product, as the concept of toilet paper was a sensitive subject
at the time, so they customized it for their customers… hence the
Waldorf Hotel became a big name in toilet paper.
Rolled and perforated toilet paper as we’re familiar with
today was invented around 1880. Various sources attribute it to the
Albany Perforated Wrapping (A.P.W.) Paper Company in 1877 and to the
Scott Paper Company in 1879 or 1890.
who knew?
at first, I thought some of his ‘patients’ had finally realized he was a quack, so not only is he not a real doctor, he doesn’t know enough not to insult the ladies of this town either? half of them are packing, and the other half have worse than a gun.
worse, some extreme examples are armed with terrible cooking.
and all are armed with their sharp wit.
Hey my cooking is alright! *watches Scottie choke on his dinner as she says that*
Uh, nevermind… Yeah, sharp wit, like Lia said!
Yes…what a lagalicious evening that was…I’m sure Mr. Giles learned his lesson and shall now shiver in fear when he passes another bustle in the streets…-coughs-
That dear Bianca remains to be seen…he is after all, simply a man.
“he is after all, simply a man.”
Do you really want to open that can of worms Miss?
The worms left the can long ago, sir.