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The New Toulouse Flea Market (Le Marche aux Puces)

The community of New Toulouse is pleased to invite you to our new monthly Flea Market. (Marché aux Puces in French).

The Flea Market will run on the last Saturday of each month in Duchess Square, the center of the New Toulouse Bourbon sim ( Our first Marché aux Puces is this Saturday, July 30 from 12:00am – 12:00pm SLT.

At our Flea Market you will find:

  • Quality “used” items, not junk
  • Quality freebies
  • New items created by the people of New Toulouse
  • Special edition items that are only available at the Flea Market

If you have ever visited New Toulouse, you know that our
residents have the highest standards when it comes to theme and content
quality. If you have not yet visited, come to the Flea Market and see
what we offer, as well as our beautiful, historic themed-Estate based on
New Orleans from 1890 – 1920.

Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue! Et venez au Marché aux Puces de la Nouvelle Toulouse!

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  1. Sky Melnik Sky Melnik July 29, 2011

    Ooooooo! Le Marché aux Puces!!!! *très excité*

  2. Dr. Cyberusfaustus Dr. Cyberusfaustus July 29, 2011

    Hmmmm, guess I will be hauling out the ol’ plague mask. Leave it to the French to combine a social event with known disease carriers! Can we say Maladie Sociale?

    • Gabrielle Riel Gabrielle Riel July 30, 2011

      I suppose this *could* be a social event Doctor, but really it’s a monthly commercial venture! We will use the money we make to buy more liquor. And opium. And cake.

  3. Dr. Cyberusfaustus Dr. Cyberusfaustus July 30, 2011

    Hmmm well, the opium and liquor DO have medicinal value.

    I find cake is often a prevarication.

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