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The New Babbage Transit Authority Guide (TAG) – Tram Lines

With some excellent assistance from the good Mr. Tosh, I was able to complete my first draft of the New Babbage Transit Authority Guide to include all the working Tram lines. If you know of any working public transit routes you would like added, please let me know. I am next going to work on adding major street names if I can find a source. Through discussion we thought of future routes/maps we would like to have.

Future Routes:

  • The elevated Tram to Upper Bow Street.
  • The Arial Tram Line to the Gut
  • A ferry from Clockhaven to the Canals entrance in Port Babbage.
  • A water taxi through the Canals.


Additional Maps or routes to add to the TAG:

  • Any Airship lanes or regular air routes
  • A sewer map (only available from the public works department or from an Urchin – the Urchin one being more complete, although crudely ‘annotated’)
  • Bar Map
  • The Fells whenever that gets put in. (I hope not to remove the Vernian Deep from the map for sentimental and aesthetic reasons)
  • The routes to Bump, Mondrago, etc as supplementals for our intrepid adventures.

Eventually I hope to produce this complete TAG to be available at the City Hall, Transit Stations and fine establishments for safe and efficient navigation of our fair city. ((I hope to make a HUD version which with luck will feel more like using a paper city guide))



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  1. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver September 14, 2012

    **** Beautiful work !!!!

    frowns  @ Wheatstone Waterways and New Babbage  all in darkness ..with no working Tram lines .. c’est la vie ..  sigh .. 

      • Breezy Carver Breezy Carver September 16, 2012

        perks up in chair and smiles…. we do have that darling canal taxi waiting stand :)

         Is A Water Taxi in WW Possible Clockwinder ??

        (that would be very wicked fun :) an adorable matching canal water boat tram  Ohhh with personality sort of a consin of sorts ..Like a “Copper or Black line” of sorts or something .. big silly smile  ))

        imagines…… guests going to their possible perils of near______ …in Water Works Rapids ..
        I mean ponders all the fun memories and adventures guests could really enjoy .. Nods Nods ..

        ponders more . to self … Or perhaps a Sea Monster or two popping up ramdomly and surprising all in an unsuspecting happy little water taxi :)

      • Junie Ginsburg Junie Ginsburg September 15, 2012

        As always, Kimika, I like your style.

    • Arconus Arkright Arconus Arkright September 16, 2012

      Of course there’s no tram line! Adding stops in Wheatstone would only make it easier for the city’s poor and undesirables to visit, lurk and loiter and lower the property values.

      ((The unofficial reason for why Washington, DC’s Metro system doesn’t extend to the upscale neighborhood of Georgetown. Happily, there is a station in the neighborhood of Foggy Bottom. There isn’t all that much to see in Foggy Bottom, but it gives locals an excuse to occasionally use the phrase “Foggy Bottom” in conversation.))

      • Emerson Lighthouse Emerson Lighthouse September 16, 2012

        Hear, hear sir!

        *tips his morning mimosa in cheers*


  2. Breezy Carver Breezy Carver September 16, 2012

    Quite Valid Points Sir :) ..

    Thank you for reeling me back ..

  3. Edward Pearse Edward Pearse September 18, 2012

    Are there any plans to reactivate the Oldbridge lines and the Brunel Rail through to the Bow Street terminal in the Canals?

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