the early days of the NME Billboard Hot 100, and the UK’s inception of
the Top 40 Chart, a number of songs from music’s past broke that
hallowed number of 1 million sales. Before the break up of the NME
Billboard into genre’s however, the Million Sellers list was part of the
sheet music sales as well.
Join Radio Riel’s newest presenter, Vic Mornington, on Riel Main this
Thursday the 7th of June at 5pm Pacific for a 2 hour musical tour of
those infamous…and not so infamous million selling record unit and sheet
music hits of the US and UK charts during a time when musical tastes
was changing almost every year.
Together with the broadcast, residents within Second Life can listen in
live as well by going to Radio Riel’s “Clarendon” in the City State of
New Babbage.
The Million Sellers will be a new monthly show from Radio Riel, hosted by Vic Mornington from The Clarendon. Shows will take place on the first Thursday of each month from 5pm till 7pm SLT
((Great show Vic!))