November 12, 1888
What a strange world of discovery do we live in. Just now, my childhood friend Matt, showed me his latest technological invention. A Memory Machine. There are three picture windows that show images. Stillframe images. and inputs for dates and times. its quite ingenous. he said that it uses steam and some new product called electricity…nearly fried my head off, jumping from node to node. Matt said that it would revolutionize the industry…i highly doubt it. Still needs another 20 years of work by my calculations. Its probable to kill you as to take an image of a memory….
But thats not the most amazing thing yet! I’ve Discovered a new place called New Babbage. Suposed to be an amazing place. You know what? I’ve made up my mind! I’m going. Packing up every last article of clothing and cog in this dump and make a new road in my life.
New Babbage here i come!
Welcome to Babbage good sir.
see comment below…
Welcome to Babbage good sir.
Thank you good sir. I’m determined to get my cogs rolling in this city!
Welcome sir! Ifn ya needs anythin’ just carefully approach th’ nearest urchin on th’ street. We knows where everythin’ is.
I highly anticipate the encounter!